Chapter 22: Mine

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Jungkook would've spent the entire day alone with Yumi but he opted to bring the rest of her friends and family with them to the theme park.

The entire morning was fun as Yumi was able to spend time with family and close friends after such a long time of being away. Jungkook took this time to get closer to her brother, cousins and friends.

"Hyung, thank you for sharing Noona with us." Ken said with a shy smile at Jungkook.

"Yeah, she's been too busy to visit in the past years that we only got to see her on magazines." Tom said.

"Hyung, sorry for pushing you while we were on the relay yesterday... I guess we all wanted to win so badly... We didn't know you'd bring us along... Thank you!" Ken said.

"So, now you know that this guy right here deserves a shot at your Noona... am I right?" Jin said patting Jungkook on the shoulder.

"So you have to let them be for dinner tonight. None of you should text Yumi in the next 10 hours asking her to go to your game and stuff like that. Okay?" Jin said while the rest of the young ones nodded in agreement.

"Hyung, Noona is a very kind and loving person. Please promise us you'll take good care of her..." Tom said looking over at Yumi from a distance who just got off the ferris wheel with her cousins.

"She's never had her heart broken so please don't be that guy..." Yun-seok, Yumi's younger brother said.

"I'll take good care of her and I swear not to hurt her... She's as precious to me too." Jungkook says with a warm smile on his face.

Jungkook almost gasped seeing how pretty Yumi looked. She wore a white off-shoulder, knee length dress with black stilettos. Looking like an angel descending from heaven. She was perfect.

He didn't look bad himself in a button-down white polo shirt and black slacks that Jin lent him. In the car, Yumi kept looking at her phone.

"Is there something wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"No, actually it seems like everything is okay. I"m just not used to having no messages around this time." Yumi said putting her phone back in her small clutch.

"Here we are." Jungkook announced as they pulled in-front of Jin's restaurant. It's been a while since Yumi last visited. She knew he's renovated it in the past year but she never expected it would be this beautiful.

The ambiance was so romantic with tables spread apart giving enough privacy for the customers. The place was filled with tiny lights that look like shimmering stars in a dim background.

The curtains and table linens were adorned by crystals that reflect specks of light making the surrounding glow. It was perfect.

"This place is so... ethereal... like being in a fantasy world." Yumi said under her breath.

"Or paradise..." Jungkook added looking straight at Yumi without her even noticing him staring at her the entire time. He couldn't help it. He's never seen such a beautiful soul embodied in person.

He pulls the chair for her and as they settled to check the menu, the waiter was already starting to pour Yumi's favorite wine. "Compliments of the restaurant owner sir, ma'am..." He says before taking his leave.

The entire night went really well as Yumi started getting to know Jungkook a bit better with random questions about his childhood, his family and career path.

"My parents are cool with what I love doing. As long as I'm happy, they support me in anything." He says fondly of his folks.

"I bet they're really nice." Yumi said nicely.

"You'll love them... I just hope you can meet them one day." Jungkook said under his breath, not really sure if you'd agree.

"I would love that..." Yumi says bringing a bright smile to Jungkook's face.

On the way home, Jungkook was really silent which made Yumi worry. Is this a good thing? How could he change from being the sweet young man to this nervous wreck? Is there something he's hiding?

"Are you okay? You seem distracted..." Yumi asked beginning to look worried.

"I'm fine..." He said, "I'm just concentrating on the road."

"Hmmm... this is my favorite song..." Yumi hums as 'Angels Brought Me Here' played on the radio.

Jungkook instantly took control and increased the volume a bit.

🎶 "If you could see what I see
that you're the answer to my prayers
If you could feel the tenderness I feel
you would know
it would be clear
that angels brought me here." 🎶

~Angels Brought Me Here
by Guy Sebastian

Then just like on cue Yumi gets a text from Jin

📱JIN: Yumi, just do what I say...
Look ahead... Don't take your eyes
off the road.

📱YUMI: What are you up to now?

📱JIN: Just do what I say and
keep your eyes on the road.

📱YUMI: Okay, okay... Weirdo 🙄

In a few minutes, Jungkook slowed the car down a bit as a car overtakes them. At the back of the car was a sign that says her name.
[ YUMI... ]

Then another car overtakes them this time with a different message at the back.
[ WILL ]

Seconds later another car overtakes them...
[ YOU ]

Then another...
[ BE ]

... and another.
[ MINE? ]

Until finally...
[ ... JUNGKOOK ]

💜 "Thank you for bearing with my hopeless romantic antics... I feel like Jungkook really needed to step up so there you go..."

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