Chapter 24: Tasty

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The moment they got off the car, Jungkook never left Yumi's lips. He lifted her like a bride, very suitable for her white dress, then enters the house through the backdoor. Careful not to run into Yumi's parents.

Then just like a blessing from heaven, Yumi says something between their wet kisses. "We're alone... parents... brother... out." Was all she could let out as Jungkook catches her lips each time she retracts hers.

Jungkook almost lost it thinking they have the house to themselves. Now he's comtemplating whether he should just take her right there on the kitchen counter or on the couch, probably against the door?

Two eager lips smashed together, teeth clashing, tongue swirling while Jungkook carries her upstairs to her room. He opens the door and nudges it close with a gentle kick.

He's still carrying Yumi in his arms then he pulls away from the hot kissing session they've been in since they got there. "Yumi, tell me to stop now..."

"What?..." Yumi looked confused, not expecting why he'd imply she wanted to stop.

"Tell me to stop now... because I won't be able to stop once I start..." Jungkook said in such a sexy tone that sent Yumi's hormones to the moon.

"Do you want to stop now?" Yumi asked.

"No..." Jungkook said groaning.

"Good... 'cause I don't want you to stop either..." Yumi said biting her lower lip as she stares at Jungkook's swollen ones.

Jungkook goes back to kissing her again then sets her standing on the floor. He reaches out to unzip the back of her dress. She then pushes him to sit on the edge of the bed giving him a warning look to sit still.

The moment Yumi steps back, Jungkook can feel every nerve in his body stimulated. She locked eyes with him and did something she's never done before... Strip in front of a man. She pulls her dress and shimmy out of it, letting the white fabric fall to her feet.

Realzing what Yumi was doing made Jungkook's entire body stiff. Of course he has seen and even carried Yumi in a bikini, less decent than the lingerie she's wearing now, but this view hits him differently.

She slowly goes to him in her nude lace bra and matching skinny thong. Jungkook hissed at the site of moisture evident on Yumi's flimsy nude underwear.

Yumi lets her bra straps fall from her shoulders and she scoots down to take Jungkook's hands placing one on her waist and another on her breast. "Help me get these off..." She says in a lusty tone.

Jungkook pulls her to sit on his lap connecting their lips in another hungry kiss while he unhooks Yumi's bra. The delicate fabric falls on her lap revealing her round breasts.

"You're so beautiful..." Jungkook whispers seeing Yumi's half naked body. One hand travels to that tiny fabric covering Yumi's wet core. "Let's keep this on for now..." He brushes her soaked core teasingly sending shivers down her spine.

He lifts Yumi to lay her on the bed. Jungkook starts kissing her soft lips before going down to her neck. He sucks on a spot too long that will surely leave a mark in the next few days.

Jungkook goes down further, cups Yumi's breasts gently and covers a nipple with his hungry mouth. Flickering his tongue against her nub, licking, sucking that sweet taste off of her. Her other mound gets the same pleasure from Jungkook's palm, rubbing, squeezing pinching softly to tease. Yumi squirms under him in pure pleasure.

Jungkook proceeds to taste her other breast, getting the same loving attention it deserves. "Baby, you taste so good... do you know that?" Jungkook asks before diving in to suck her firm nipple. He traces soft kisses on every inch of her upper body down to her flat tummy. How can this guy be this good? He could kiss her all night and she wouldn't mind.

Jungkook looks at Yumi, seeing her expression while he pleasures her, feeds his ego. "Shall we take this off?" He asks her with those dark orbs sending Yumi to nod quickly in submission.

He pulls the thin fabric off her and he could swear his member twitched as he faces Yumi's glistening core. She could feel Jungkook touching her wetness, giving her pure bliss as he licks her clit over and over, sucking it in between.

Yumi's moans are getting harsher. She holds on to Jungkook's head grazing her fingers between his gorgeous locks. "Kook, no fingers please..." She asked boldly.

"Who says I'm using fingers baby?" With that Jungkook plunges his tongue through Yumi's tight entrance earning a sweet moan from her. He darts his tongue through her core, pushing in as much as his tongue can reach, moving it playfully while inside, doubling the pleasure. He bobs his head faster, going in deep with every thrust.

"Oh... so good Kook..." Yumi mewls while moving her hips in sync with Jungkook's bobbing head. Her mind is going crazy as the tip of his nose collides with her swollen nub repeatedly while that sweet sweet tongue of his penetrates her deep, tight hole.

"Koo... I'm... getting there..." Yumi gasps and in seconds she hits her peak, releasing her cum all over Jungkook's tongue. He doesn't let anything go to waste as he sucks her juice, licking her core clean.

💜 "These 2 deserve more than 1 chapter of pleasure since they held back this long right?!"

⚠️ "Are you ready to get your mind blown?"

🙏🏼 "Please COMMENT and hit VOTE!"

😬 "Shameless plug: Please read my other works Savage Love (completed), My Angel, Hate Me Love Me, Accidentally In Love."


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