Chapter 2: Tanned

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You went out the balcony and let the sun soak your skin. Yoongi likes you being tan because it contrasts well with his pale skin. So you're wearing a 2-piece string bikini and lay on your yoga mat allowing the heat to leave you tinted.

After 10 minutes you're turning your back to expose it to the sun. The string of the bikini is so thin it looked like you weren't wearing any top. Your bottom however exposes much of your butt cheeks. You lean your head sideways and set the timer on your phone for another 10 minutes.

Friday morning and Jungkook was already looking forward to the weekend. The entire week was so hectic at work he didn't have time to fool around. Now he's as horny as fuck and will have to ask one of his "usuals" from a long list of fuck buddies he keeps in his contacts.

Jungkook takes his cup of coffee and steps out the balcony. He sits outside trying to breathe in fresh air when his eyes were blessed with the most beautiful sight on this side of Seoul. A few feet away from his reach is a heavenly body bathing under the sun.

Her plump ass was right there for him to drool on. Her milky skin getting tinted by the sun looks so smooth and silky. Her long slender legs that lead to that deep valley between her thighs was giving him... a boner. Damn, his neighbor is HOT.

His thoughts were interrupted with a ring from her cellphone. Their condo units have a balcony at the back and theirs are just separated by a metal fence. He can see everything on her side the way she can on his side.

"No Jungkook, don't even think about it!" He scolds himself. There's no way his hot neighbor is single. But why did she pleasure herself the other day? Damn if he was her boyfriend he'd be banging her all days of the week, include a balcony fuck under the sun every morning while she's having her skin tanned.

"Hey!" She says as she turn around to lie on her back.

Now Jungkook has a full frontal view of this angel. Her breasts are just the right size, the way he likes it. She has a flat tummy and her hips give her the most desirable curves. How he wishes he could grip those hips while pounding behind her.

She sits up and bends her knees interlacing her legs together. "Oh please not that position!" Jungkook grunts. He could clearly see her clothed center between those milky thighs. If only she wasn't his neighbor he would've walked over and hit on her but he doesn't like complications.

He couldn't make out her face since her phone was plastered to her cheek. For a few seconds he got to see her angelic face when she turned to the other side. Fuck she's even prettier than he imagined. Is she a celebrity? She could be.

"Ok babe, I love you!" She said to the other person on the phone.

"I knew it..." Jungkook was expecting it. Hot neighbor has a boyfriend. Oh well, he might as well enjoy the rest of the view. He darts his eyes towards her and eye-fucks her. Next time he bangs someone he's definitely making her hear every sound he makes. So he could hear her moan again.

Jungkook was on his way to pick up his date. On his way to the elevator he sees a pale bad ass guy holding a bouquet of pink tulips. He walked to the direction of Jungkook's unit.

The guy stopped by unit 1709. As Jungkook hopped in the elevator before the doors closed, he saw his neighbor wrapping both arms around the guy's neck and lets him in. At least she's not alone for tonight. He felt a pinch of jealousy as he saw how happy his hot neighbor looked seeing the pale guy.

"If you don't fuck her then I will!" Hobi says before downing another shot of tequila.

"Hyung, you know I hate complications." Jungkook says massaging his temple, feeling a bit dizzy already.

"Kook! You have a really hot specimen within your reach. Are you seriously passing on that?" Hobi asks.

"She has a man." Jungkook replies before taking another sip of his rhum.

"Pffftttt! Like that ever stopped you before!" Hobi says with a smirk. He knows his best friend from top to bottom, he likes this girl too much. He wouldn't miss a chance of banging the new secretary in their building just to have a heart to heart talk with him in his bar. He cancelled the date point blank just to talk about this mysterious neighbor. He's clearly affected by her.

"She's different hyung. I could tell. She's not the type who fools around." Jungkook says.

"Okay, hear me out. From what you told me so far, this fallen angel sounds and looks too fucking HOT. In our book, letting such HOT stuff go cold is a huge SIN. You're sinning right now 'cause you're not fucking her." Hobi says in exaggeration.

"Can you please give me another advice that doesn't involve fucking my hot neighbor?" He pleads to his hyung.

"Kook, do us both a favor and fuck her already? I don't care how or when just do it! You owe your dick that much! Your junk has made you the most talked about quarterback in high school and college. Without your pretty little dick you wouldn't have experienced how wonderful it is to have sex. So it's your duty... no, it's your obligation to make that big guy down there happy. And believe me, from what I've heard so far about this girl, your dick will worship you until the day you die if you dip it in her at least once."

That's Hobi for you. He may sound like he's on crack but most of the time he makes sense. The sexy sound of her mewls and moans, the sinful sight of his neighbor sunbathing by the balcony were all Jungkook could think of. He knows he's got it bad and how he wishes she never existed in his memory.

😜 "Kook is so doomed I know."

💜 "Thank you for reading my work!"

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