Chapter 15: Goodbye

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"You don't love me... you still do but not the way you used to... right?  Yumi asked.

Yoongi looked surprised at what she said. Was he too obvious? Did he offend her in any way? Did she feel his love changed?

"Yumi I'm so sorry if I made you feel less loved... I didn't mean to..." Yoongi said in shame.

"Hey... don't even think that way, you never made me feel less loved..." Yumi said squeezing his hands firmly.

"I kinda got the idea a few months ago when we started seeing less of each other... I have to tell you that I feel the same way." Yumi confessed.

"I can't believe this... we've always been different but we're always in sync." Yoongi said.

"I know..." Yumi said with a weak smile. "Not that I suspect you or anything like that, but is there someone?" She asked him teasingly.

"No, not really..." Yoongi said with a hopeful smile.

"You know, I like your last secretary... what's her name again?" Yumi asked.

"Ari?... well, she's cool but I don't think she's interested." Yoongi replied.

"That's where you're wrong. She obviously has a crush on you since she got there." Yumi teased him.

"How about you? Is there someone? Taehyung maybe?" He asked.

"Oh God no... he's one of my best friends and that will never change..."

"Yumi, you're a special girl. I'm sure there's an equally special guy out there for you." Yoongi said in all honesty.

After a long day of meetings for the new game release, Jungkook was dead tired but excited to go home since Yumi texted she ordered takeout for dinner and will wait for him.

He got hold of the elevator before the door closed and was surprised to see it wasn't empty. Standing beside him was the pale guy... Yumi probably didn't know he was coming.

Jungkook pressed another floor, got off and texted Yumi that something came up and he can't make it to dinner. If this was him before he got close with Yumi he wouldn't be as affected.

He drove his bike not knowing where to go. His tired body was so consumed that he didn't see a car suddenly swerving his way. Good thing he didn't go off balance. Thoughts of Yumi can't be in his mind right now or else he might end up dead.

"Hey Kook! I thought you couldn't make it?" Hobi greeted his friend as Jungkook suddenly made an appearance.

"I'll have a scotch on the rocks..." Jungkook told the bar tender and slumped his head on the table beside Hobi. "I can't take my mind off her..."

"We're still on the hot, hot neighbor?" Hobi asked.

Jungkook downs the glass in one go. "I thought we had something in Jeju but I guess it was nothing for her."

"Have you tried confessing you like her? Maybe you should to get this over and done with!" Hobi suggested.

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." He replied, before downing another glass.

An hour later Hobi was guiding Jungkook back to his unit. He was too drunk so Hobi had to take him home.

Hobi laid Jungkook on his bed and was about to leave when he saw someone by the balcony looking in.

"Hey, can I help you?" He asked. He was stunned to see a beautiful lady who he assumed to be Yumi. Damn, if Jungkook wasn't a good friend he's totally gonna try to hit on her.

"Hey, sorry I thought it's Jungkook. I just want to give this to him." She said shyly while showing Hobi the bag of food she spared for Jungkook.

"Oh, I'll make sure he gets it... I'm Hobi by the way."

Yumi reaches out her hand to meet Hobi in a handshake. "Yumi... I guess you're the bar owner?"

"Yeah... if ever you need an alcohol fix feel free to swing by." Hobi said with his wide smile.

"Sure, I'll take you up on that offer." She said with a smile. "I won't keep you... I'll go ahead." Yumi disappeared through the torn fence after giving Hobi a waive, leaving him dumbfound as to how Jungkook can let go of this girl.

Jungkook said so in the bar a while back that he's staying away from her. He's decided to go back to his fuckboy self because having feelings for someone just complicates life.

Too bad though, Hobi never saw Jungkook like this. He just knows that his friend likes this girl more than just a one time thing. Hobi likes that idea of him getting a stable girlfriend for once.

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