Chapter 6: Gamer

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"You have the coolest job!" She squeals. "How I'd love to travel the world to compete."

Jungkook feels his pride lifted up. Not often does he hear compliments about what he does and hearing how cool it is. She just makes it sound like he's a super hero.

"It's nerve wracking... but yeah I guess you can say that it's really cool." He says with a shy smile.

Jungkook has been a professional gamer since college years. He's been competing since middle school with his parents' support. He finally decided to make it a career after being a part of Top Tier, the country's #1 professional gaming team.

Little did Yumi know that Jungkook has his own following in the gaming world. He's one of the top code breakers (made up, sorry) in Asia and has won the country several gold medals in the past.

"When's your next competition? I want to watch..." She asked.

"Next month... it's in Amsterdam so I'm excited."

"Wow... Can I come?" She asked that jokingly.

"I... I guess... I mean... I probably can have a plus one if you're up to it..." He says that looking quite distressed.

"Hey relax, I was kidding!" She places one hand on his arm and gave it a light tap.

What's wrong with him? Of course she was just kidding. How could he even think she'd want to go with him out of the freakin' country!? "Get yourself together Jungkook!" He scolds himself in his mind.

"Hey is it really okay that I'm still here? I'm not ruining any of your plans?" Yumi asked looking a bit guilty.

"It's okay, stay as long as you need to." Jungkook says. Actually he doesn't want the night to end. How he wished she could stay the night but that's wishing way too much.

"Just pretend I'm not here. Go ahead with your usual routine." She suggested. Settling herself on the far corner of his couch. She looked like a tiny little princess in Jungkoo's black leather couch.

"Hmmm, have you tried playing video games?" Jungkook asked, starting to set up his huge screen in the living room.

"I might be bad at it." She says frowning.

"It's okay, everyone starts from there. Here, let's try a simple game just to jumpstart your gaming experience." He says handing over the control.

Yumi wasn't a bad newbie after all. She was actually good. She had a bit of trouble with the buttons being all over the conrol but she got used to them eventually.

Junkook loves to hear her giggle and cheer whenever she passes a stage but he loves it even more when she gets frustrated. She would hit Jungkook's arm whenever he teases her for being slow. She wasn't annoyingly slow, he just wanted her to give him attention.

📞<Yoongi calling>
📱YOONGI: "Hey babe, listen I can't come with you to the shoot in Jeju. I have to go to Japan next week for a business trip. I'm so sorry."

📱YUMI: "That's too bad, are you sure you can't go just for a few days? It's a weekend anyway."

📱YOONGI: "Babe I really wish I could but duty calls."

📱YUMI: "It's alright."

📱YOONGI: "Okay I'll see you when I get back."

Jungkook could see the smile fade from Yumi's face. He doesn't know how to cheer her up. If only he could hug her... but he can't.

"Hey, you want ice cream?" It was a long shot but that's the only thing Jungkook could think of to cheer her up.

Luckily her face brightened and she nodded so fast Jungkook knew he did the right thing.

Jungkook woke up the following morning to Yumi's text.

📱YUMI: Hey, I got you breakfast and left it in the balcony. Thanks for last night.

He hurriedly went over the balcony and saw the packed breakfast. Yoomi even left a note that got him feeling weird in his gut. Butterflies? Nah, that's not him. He never gets to that point with any girl.

He took a selfie with the bacon, eggs and toast neatly stacked in the bento box. He took another one of him taking a bite and sent it to Yumi.

📱JUNGKOOK: Thanks for breakfast... ✌🏼

📱YUMI: You're welcome... I'll see you tonight.

"You're happy..." Jimin says as he blow dries your hair for the shoot.

"I'm always happy when we do shoots!" You say smiling.

Jimin looks at you through the mirror but got a glimpse of the picture of a boy who sent you a selfie. "Ohhh... who is he?"

"Stop snooping around other people's phones..." You say teasingly.

"Seriously, he looks like a snack... is he Yoongi?" Jimin asked curiously.

The thing with Yoongi is he never picked you up from work. In the past 2 years he's missed lots of your company outings and dinners. Because of this, some of your coworkers began thinking that you made him up.

You check your messages and Yoongi hasn't even texted you. Oh well, he's a busy man. Then you saw how Jungkook has been texting you since this morning. He's really a sweet guy. Then you feel it in your gut... that feeling you haven't had in a while... Could it be?

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