Chapter 19: Home

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"Oh, I'm really sorry I thought you're the guy she's been hiding from us all this time..." Yumi's mom blurted out with a wide smile at Jungkook.

"Mom..." Yumi warns her mom almost choking on the baked salmon she served for dinner.

"What? Last time I talked to your cousin she said there's been someone you're getting closer to after you broke up with Yoongi. Since I already know Jimin then I assumed it was this young man over here. I mean why else would he drive 4 hours just to be here right?"

Wait what? She broke up with Yoongi since when? Now Jungkook's radar is getting sharper by the minute. There's also a new guy she's getting close to? Is that guy... him by any chance. Nah, must be someone else since they're actually the exact opposite of 'getting closer'. Jungkook thought to himself.

"Yeah cousin Rachel said he's the guy next <door>..." Yumi's brother added but was suddenly interrupted by bouts of cough from her as she nearly chokes on her food.

Jimin hands her a glass of water and started stroking her back. Yumi takes a big gulp and stands right up. "I'm kinda tired so, I'll go ahead okay?" She didn't wait for an answer and ran up to her room stumbling on a few steps along the way.

Yumi wakes up late the next day, checks her phone and sees a text from Jimin.

📱JIMIN: Hey sleepy head, I went out to meet some friends. I'll be back tonight for the bbq party. I think your mom's hosting one. Later!

Yumi looked out the window and saw her brother and his friends helping out her mom. She went downstairs into the kitchen to grab a piece of bread and a bottle of OJ before heading to the garage.

She froze in her tracks seeing Jungkook laughing with her dad while fixing something in the vintage car he recently purchased. The thing is, Yumi's dad is a very reserved person and he rarely gets along with new people. So seeing him at ease with Jungkook made her heart melt.

Then just as Yumi was about to enter the garage to greet her dad, she's suddenly lifted from the floor with a squeaky voice that's too familiar she wouldn't think of any other guy but him.

"God Yumi, I thought you'd never wake up!" Jin said as he twirls her around the garage. He brings her down to face her and hugs her close... too close. Is there something going on with these two? Jungkook thought.

"Jin!!! Aren't you suppose to be in New York?!" Yumi asked him looking surprised but happy to see her childhood friend.

"We're finished with the NYC fashion week so I decided to come home before heading to Paris." He winks at her teasingly, knowing pretty damn well Yumi would go crazy over the idea.

"Oh God, I'd kill for your job! Agghhhh... You really made it! I'm so proud of you..." She says patting his cheek lightly.

He takes that hand off his cheek and kisses it. "I know you are."

All this time Jungkook was there to witness everything but he knows better now. After what happened at the bar with Hobi and Yumi he promised himself not to judge or conclude quickly. He learned the hard way so now even if he felt a tinge of jealousy he restrained himself from thinking ahead.

Then after a few more minutes, her brother's friends swarmed over to say hello. They were much younger than her but their eyes were filled with so much admiration for her.

"Noona, can we invite you to our basketball game tomorrow? Our team is really good this year, you should see us play." One cute tall boy says with a big grin on his angelic face.

"Yes noona, we're gonna win the championship again. Please come!" Another cute boy says. They're all hovering over Yumi, wanting just a morsel of her attention. Each guy trying to win her over.

"They're all love her... my daughter is really amazing, but I guess you already know that don't you?" Yumi's dad said seeing how Jungkook is eyeing her from the side.

"She sure is, sir." Jungkook says with a weak smile.

That night all their friends and relatives went over for the bbq party. Yumi was surrounded with everyone the entire time leaving Jungkook behind. Just then, a pretty lady that looks like a younger version of Yumi walked up to him with a big smile.

"Hey, I'm Keira, Yumi's cousin. You must be Jungkook right?" She asks him. Thankfully Keira looks a lot like Yumi. Jungkook might be with her the entire time but his thoughts were on Yumi.

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