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Hoothoots were chirping their song beautifully away in New Bark Town, acting as a melodious melody for its residents. The morning sun was slowly rising, bathing the green town in its orange rays. In one of the houses in a local neighbourhood, Marie Destrum had just woken up from her sleep.

Her eyes stirred open as she slowly got up, her bedhead was present. Usually, one might start their day with a smile, but today, anything but a smile was plastered on her face. She pushed the blankets away and walked over to her drawer.

"It's that day again," she sighed. A picture frame stood on top of her wooden dresser. It was family picture. A younger Marie with short hair was standing there next to a man with jet black hair, holding a boy in his arms, grinning widely. The boy in his arms had his mouth wide open, revealing a single tooth.

Marie let out a sniffled laugh seeing baby Corvis. It sometimes hurt her to know that her child was no longer a baby but a full-grown teen now travelling adifferent region. But her smile faded away as she saw another person. Standing next to her, the person as his arms around his mother and hand on her shoulder, he let out a peace sigh, his messy black hair being contained a by a baseball hat.

She slowly slid her fingers along the person's part in the picture. He looked to be around 18, probably in his teen years.

"Happy Birthday," she silently muttered. "Aaron"


Corvis looked like in deep concentration. His pals were placed together with each other, he positioned them near his chest and had his eyes closed. He was silent for a few moments until he heard the sounds of grass crunching under footsteps.

"Hey Corvis, what are you doing?" he heard Sara asked. He put his hands down and turned back to her.

"Oh, I'm juts giving a small prayer," he replied as Sara raised an eyebrow.

"A prayer?" she questioned. "If you don't mind me asking, for who?"

"My brother," he replied with no hesitation.

"Oh," she noted, "I didn't know you have a brother,"

"Had," he corrected her as her eyes widened. "He passed away years ago," he said.

Sara felt like she had just been hit with a truck. She silently cursed her tongue for even asking Corvis about it, but she realised, his face showed no signs of sadness or pain?

"I'm sorry to hear that and... sorry for bringing it up," she expressed sadly as Corvis noticed the look on her face.

"Oh, its fine really," he reassured. "It happened when I was just a baby, so I really don't know much about him," he looked up to the sky, the sunlight was shining through the gaps of the leaves of the tree branches of the tree that they camped overnight in. "And today is his birthday so I was just wishing him a Happy Birthday,"

"Really? What was his name?"

"Aaron," he answered. "Aaron Destrum,". A small gust of wind blew by his short black locks floated along the air. "It's his birthday today, he would've been 26,"

"W-What happened to him?" Sara questioned. Corvis turned to look at her, now showing some sadness.

"Something to do with an explosion, I don't know much either and I don't want to ask my mom, everytime I talk about it she breaks down, that's why I'm a bit worried for her right now," Corvis admitted.

"I'm sure your mom is fine, she's a strong woman isn't she," Sara assured, recalling the events of when she first met Marie. She really was a cheerful woman, she remembered how excited she was to find out Corvis wasn't travelling alone.

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