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Corvis felt his body flow in a state of pitch black. However, this time, he wasn't confused, he wasn't wondering where in the world was he, he was just....lost. He didn't even attempt to move his body, letting whatever air there was in the state he was at to control his movement.

"Can't believe a runt like you turned out to be Lord Drakkon's decendent," he heard. He looked around, only to find out Rayquaza wasn't there, but none other than himself, or rather, himself in that state he went in when Leon went through that evolution, green eyes, markings as well as fangs. His other self had his arms crossed, staring at Corvis with a look of disappointment.

"Too bad, I never asked to be his descendant," Corvis said weakly as he kept staring at himself. His other self sighed.

"Deny as much as you want, the only thing you're denying is the truth," he said. "You know you wanted it, you wanted to kill them, you wanted to kill that boy for that pain he gave you..." he started as Corvis stood up straight. "You wanted to end their life," he spat with a voice full of venom, "Just like me,". That was when Corvis had it. He dashed forward and grabbed his otherself by his collar, bringing his face almost an inch closer to his, his anger filled eyes just inches away.

"Don't you ever compare me to you, I am nothing like you, only a monster will take others lives," Corvis spat out with venom in his voice as his other self remained calm.

"Exactly, don't you get it," he said as he brought his face closer, "You are a monster," he stated, emphasizing on each word. "A monster who won't even accept himself"

Corvis took a swing, but only for his arm to somehow phase right though his other self's face. 

"Don't bother, none of this real, this is all in your head," the otherself smirked. Corvis stood still as he shook.  "This is merely the beginning, there will be more coming soon,"  

"More what" 

"More blood," his other self stated. Silence grew between the 2 Corvis. "You already know it, Rayquaza and the Dragonians told you, war is coming soon," 

"Then why the hell does this have to involve me!" Corvis cried out. "All I wanted to do was come to the Hoenn and compete in the Hoenn League, I never wanted to join this bullshit war you talk about," he screamed in anger. His other self raised an eyebrow.

"The Hoenn League?" he started "Are you sure that's all you came here for?

"I-I," Corvis didn't know what to say. He didn't know why, but nothing could leave his mouth. Suddenly, his other self started to change, it was as if he was disintegrating.

"Remember, the only denying you're doing is denying the truth, we will meet again, actually, to be more prceise, we will be one again," he smiled, showing off his fangs as he fully disappeared. Corvis didn't bother to do anything. He watched as the darkness then consumed him, shrouding his body, the first thing he felt, was the cool air blowing by his face.

Corvis slowly opened his eyes, the lights of the hospital room he was in almost blinding him. He tried to move, but felt soreness and pain all over his body. He felt something that was wrapped around his body and looked down to see himself wearing a hospital gown, bandages wrapped around the injuries he sustained. His right arm was in a cast next to him, and so was

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