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"Diarming Voice!" Sara shouted as she thrusted her arm forward. Her white dress sawying back and forth as she did, standing on the battlefield. Brina in front of her followed her orders and let out a loud, high pitched scream towards against the incoming Timburr who tried to block it with it's log. It didn't do much as the super effective attack went through and took down the fighting type.

"Timburr is unable to battle, Ralts is the winner therfore the victor goes to Sara!" the referee shouted as everyone watching the battle cheered. Two women wearing maid dresses came towards Sara, holding a blue cape an put it around her.

"Now introducing, Viscountess Sara Callister!" The referee shouted as Sara bowed respectfully to everyone.

Few minutes later, Sara was admiring the number of paintings the hall has. She still had her blue cape around her with a glass of oran berry juice in her hand. She slowly walked through the hallway and then sighed.

"Really wish Corvis was here right now," she said, remembering the number of times a guy tried to speed date her.

Corvis was sitting down by a nearby cafe, sitting outside on a chair, sipping a smoothie while waiting for Sara to come out. He had already decided to not enter battle chateaus anymore since his only focus was gym battles. He kept glancing at the doors, waiting for Sara to come out. He had already finished training earlier so now all he had to do was wait. As he did, something cuaght his eyes. He saw a group of men, wearing blue jackets, acting like gangsters; with hands in their pockets and constant laughing as a few swear words could also be heard. He notcied them going into the alleyway of the Battle Chateau, but gave it little thought as he returned to sipping his smoothie.

"Woah...." was all Sara could say as she stood in front of a painting. It a blue painting with an oceanic themed wallpaper. There were many sea pokemon swiming around in the background, but what was most noticing, the a large symbol that looked like an A. It was blue and had red linings on it with spikes. At the end of each point, it was as if it was being swirled by the ocean waves. She read the name of the painting.

"The Symbol of Alpha," she read alound. Unknown to her, behind her was another man who was also taking notcie of the painting. He had a serious look on his face. He wore a black suit with a white dress shirt, as well as a bow tie. His hair was combed neatly to suit the needs of the Battle Chateau. All of a sudden, his eyes suddenly widened as he turned his head to the hall entrance. He slowly walked away with hands in his pocket and made his way towards the toilet, pulling out a small, dark blue pokeball.

"Everybody Beware!" a voice shouted

The doors of the hall entrances was burst open, making a loud sound that caused everybody to jump from fear. Heads turned towards the door entrance as they saw five men, wearing the exact same attire, a black shirt with white stripes, looking like a prison uniform, with blue shorts. On their heads, were blue bandannas with a white A that looked like it was made out of bones. Beside them, they had various water type pokemon.

"Everyone on their knees now or no one gets hurt!" the one in the front shouted as everybody just stared

"Pfft, yeah right," he said as he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his head and fell to the ground, unconcious. Everybody turned to the fainted man, another man standing behind him. He took off his suit, revealing he wore same thing. In his hands, was a dagger.

"You're lucky I only used the hilt," he said, turning to everyone, "Now do what he said or else you wont be standing, permanently," he said as a few others took off their clothes, revealing the same attire as all of them whipped out their dagger.

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