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It was such a dark place. Corvis' body was just floating around the dark sky with pitch black clouds. 

"Hello?" His voice echoed throughout the sky. "Where am I?" 

"Boy....." . 

That voice again. That all too familiar voice, the voice he heard when he first arrived in Hoenn, when he was about to get killed by the Hunter Z, when Rudy was about to fall to his death, and when Kein evolved.

"Who in the world are you! Why do I keep hearing your voice!" he shouted as thunder roared in the sky. He gulped when he saw something within the clouds, a black serpent like creature. Its long body slithering through the clouds.

"Hmph, soon you'll figure it out soon, just know, I need you to be ready, you and your partner"

"Ready? Ready for what!" Corvis shouted this time as the creature roared.

"For war...."

"War! Between what?"

"Between my brothers, the sea leviathan and the don lander, their awakening in nearing and if they are not stopped, not just Hoenn but the entire world will be in grave danger..."

Corvis was lost for words. He couldn't believe it. War? Sea Leviathan? Don lander? 

"But why are you telling me this!" Corvis shouted as it was silent for awhile. Then, he felt something as if it was breathing behind him. He turned around, his dark brown eyes meeting greenish yellow eyes, staring into his soul

"Because you, my boy, are the one true soul I have been searching for, the one with the heart of a dragon!" it roared as the creature opened it's mouth, devouring Corvis.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Corvis shouted as he leapt up from the bed, his scream waking up Ethan who in turned screamed as well. Corvis turned around to see his own sweat already wetting the bed and sheets a little

"Arceus man, Didn't know you liked being a human alarm clock," Ethan sighed as Corvis laughed a bit

"Sorry man, bad dream," he said as he got up. He noticed that was sun was already shining bright, the rays entering their room at Verdanturf Pokemon Centre. Corvis immedietly went up to use the bathroom to brush his teeth. After freshing up a little, he took his pokemon belt, leaving his jacket in the room, and left 

"I'm going to head to the Battle Club for some morning training," he said as Ethan nodded 

"Alright, don't think I'll join you for today, I plan to check out some other stuff they have in this town," Ethan said as Corvis nodded before leaving the room.

The weights clanked against each other as Corvis did the shoulder press. Leon and the others were doing their own machines, suited for pokemon. Corvis kept lifting the weights up and down as the dream occured to in his head again. It was just a bit too weird to believe. War was coming to Hoenn? And a large creature, out of everyone possibly in Hoenn, needed him? What made him so special? The creature could've chose someone strong, like Spencer, the son of Steven Stone, why him? All he wanted to do was just continue his journey.

"Gargh!" he yelled a bit as he finally let go of the weights a bit, gaining the attention of a few other people. Leon noticed this and walked over to him, whimpering. Corvis smiled and petted him, "I'm fine guys, c'mon, lets go battle," he said as he got up. He returned everyone to their pokeballs before walking to another part of the large Battle Club they were in.

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