The Real Knight

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A night to cry
and a sight to pry

Beneath the lies
I just chose to join the sighs

Marching in the forest

Comes a sealed fortress

A knight's crest engraved in the letter T

Any enemy he shall face thee

For he saw how one wep

Tears that he couldn't let alone accept

An oath sworn upon

O'er something he couldn't move on

Love he dared curse
-created his biggest remorse

Evil one you must go

Let loose
Thou don't deserve to be on my own shoes.

You prey on emotions
Which are your biggest death potions

Unlike you
Humans are stronger when they accept what is true.

Yes, because real strength
is earned with their shortest of length.

Assuming that where there is weakness,
lies a path of greatness.

Ps. Photo from Pinterest

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