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A kind of Trauma.
From an Adults' Dilemma

Entangling flames anew
then breathes its waythrough

Life lies a stack of books pleasantly
long, short and crampled story

Spiders laying traps
along the wealthy trees' saps

Each droplet of sugar
comes a grandiose vinegar

Inside a cozy wooly cave
bore a newborn babe

Every glimpse of beauty
casts thy thorns of sovereighnty

As white as black
Glares never sought back

Yet a stranger's boots
entrenches deep spiky roots

Realizing a trade
of pain resisting to fade

Torn autumn leaves
reciprocating above the town's eaves

Of houses striking the air
and glasses dancing with a bear

Entangled strands of hair
swept slowly from the stair

Cuddled by nostalgia
Inside their own utopia

Secrets burdened by melancholy
sentiments that burrows their sanity.

Ceaseless circling of a ball
devouring existence and any loophole.

Jeih's PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon