Grasping Success

5 0 0

A dice that gambles through its rough fate,
Chewed upon its deceitful bait.

Pitched onto the air,
slashed through despair.

Stumbles down,
rolling around misfortunes bound.

Not even a seven's presence,
could lend it some incense.

A dice that gambles through its rough fate,
Chewed upon its deceitful bait.

And so its been decided,
13th void initiated.

Oh dice wit's woes,
no bones would strive in the strength of harsh snows.

Hope enveloped on a small shell,
shone through the alleys of hell.

A miracle,
yet small and subtle.

Emanating its malleable viridescents,
fought against the most vicious of scents.

Now the dice that gambles through its rough fate,
rosed a phoenix of faith.

Beneath the warrior that aided,
scale still not decided.

Jeih's PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon