Prolouge: The Day Everything Changed

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Ben's POV (This won't really be a recurring thing... probably)

Alright, let's do this. My name is Ben Tennyson

I'm from a city in America called Bellwood but my parents decided to have us move to Japan when I was 7 and I've lived here ever since, and honestly I like it here

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I'm from a city in America called Bellwood but my parents decided to have us move to Japan when I was 7 and I've lived here ever since, and honestly I like it here.

My story starts when I was 10 years old waiting for the school bell to ring so I can start Summer Vacation, not just because I hated school although that was part of it, it was mainly because I was supposed to go on a summer vacation with my grandpa who's also allowing me to bring friends, now I'll be real, I didn't have many friends when I was little... well I had 3, one is Kevin Levin, but I haven't heard from him in some time, not to mention he still lived in America so I wasn't even able to consider him anyway, and as for my other friends


You'll meet them soon enough

Outside An Elementary School

All I had to do was chill outside and wait for my grandpa and friends to arrive

"Ben!" Speak of the devil "Hey, I was looking for you. What happened?" And here's Kyoka Jiro. She's been one of my best friends since I first came to Japan. Believe it or not, her dad is good friends with mine so they helped us out when we first moved. They also taught me how to speak Japanese

(Couldn't find a picture of an 10 year old Jiro so... just picture an adolescent Jiro wearing a black shirt with a skull on it and blue jeans, whatever type of shoes)

Speaking of speaking, it's time for my dialogue "Sorry, Kyoka, I'm just really excited"

She would always punch my arm with a smirk after a response like that "I can tell. But seriously you don't have to just leave me behind like that, I don't have a tracking quirk remember?" She says rolling her eyes

Ben: I know, I know. I said I'm sorry. What more do you want? Wait where's--

Suddenly "Guys!"

Ah, there she is, the always energetic Mina Ashido. The type of person to brighten someone's day no matter how many time she's told not to. I met her when Grandpa took me and my cousins to visit one of his friends before I moved. We were 6 at the time. When we did move, I ended up meeting her again, and we've all been together ever since

(Same with Ashido so picture a 10 year old her with a shirt based on the movie Alien with black pants and a pink hoodie, whatever type of shoes)

Mina: Sorry I'm late. Teacher told me off after throwing a paper airplane at his head

Kyoka rolls her eyes "Of course you'd get told off for that"

Mina pouts "Ben did the same thing once"

Ben: Yeah, once. The difference is I didn't get caught

Kyoka: Yeah, he somehow got the school bully to take the hit

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