Dark Future

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The world has gone through... a lot of changes since the war started. Most notably

(Extra points to those who can name this city)

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(Extra points to those who can name this city)

This is what most of society (if you can call it that anymore) looks like, giant metal pillars of technology used for who knows what. You probably wanna know how it got to this point

"That is why we asked!" And just like that we now find ourselves underground in a small house

The previously Unknown Narrator stares in front of two kids

One being a boy with fluffy brown hair, green eyes and freckles, and an old All Might shirt with blue shorts

And the other being a girl with short fluffy pink hair and Caucasian skin, also with green eyes and a white shirt with black shorts

"That sass is not appreciated" The camera turns to the Narrator to reveal Mina Ashido, but much older (around 29 years old), and with longer hair "Although, I guess it's nice to know you inherited so much of your father's adolescent sass, Kyoka"

Kyoka Tennyson (Age 10)-Daughter of Ben and Mina Tennyson, named after her late would be aunt Kyoka Jiro (Earphone Jack)

(I think she would have Sarada's voice, from Boruto)

Kyoka smirks and says "Well I am his daughter, for better and for worse"

The boy next to her puts a hand on her shoulder "How about we let her continue the story?"

Toshinori "Toshi" Midoriya (Age 8)-Son of Izuku and Ochaco Midoriya, named in honor of the late Symbol of Peace Toshinori Yagi (All Might)

(Just sounds like a baby Deku)

Mina:Thank you, Toshi. Now where did we leave off last time?

The kids think for a bit, before Kyoka speaks "When Bakugo said you guys were basically screwed, for lack of a better term"

Mina snaps her fingers "That's right. Thank you, Kyoka"

Flashback 13 Years Ago

After Bakugo said Ahem "We're fucked" the other teens split off trying to process all that's happened

Izuku sits in the medical bay, unable to come to terms with the events that have transpired, or what Bakugo said *Where did we go wrong? Was Bakugo right? Are we really done for?*

Before he can get too far into his thoughts, Mina sits next to him, saying "We all knew the plan we had wasn't the best... but we just focused on helping our friends"

Izuku nods "Yeah... Maybe we should've left it to the pros... Maybe then Kirishima would still be alive" He says with a sad face

Mina:But then Bakugo and Rex wouldn't be here. Kirishima focused on getting Bakugo back... just like you wanted to get Rex back

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