Hero Up

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Jake: You wanna see skills?

Danny: We'll show you skills

Blossom: So who's going first?

Raven: Come at me all at once or one at a time. It makes no difference

Rex: Is that a challenge?

Ben: Sounds like one

Raven displays a powerful white aura

Buttercup smirks "Oh, this'll be fun"

Jake: I agree with her

Ben: Woah

Danny: You have a catch phrase too?

Jake: Yeah. Don't you?

Danny: Do I?! Check this out. I'm goin--

He feels something pull on his shirt "Danny, Danny! I wanna fight too!" Says Dani

Danny: Uh, I don't think--

Raven: As long as she's here, she might as well

Danny stares at Raven, then looks to Dani and shrugs. Dani fist pumps "Yes! I've been waiting for a chance to show off!"

Danny: Alright, if there are no more interruptions

Danny/Dani: We're Goin Ghost!

(Skip to 1:03- Stop at 1:25)

Ben smirks "Well, since we're just sharing catchphrases" He activates the Omnitrix and shouts "It's Hero Time!"

"Haven't used this one in a while." He sniffs himself "Ugh, Forgot he smells as bad as Stinkfly"

"Hey!" Everyone looks at Buttercup, who's fuming "How come they all have cool catchphrases, huh?! We don't have one of those!"

Blossom: This isn't the time, Buttercup

"For real!" Jake says "Didn't you hear the alien guy? It's hero time, so let's get our hero on!" Jake flies over to Raven "Get ready to feel the Wrath of the Dragon!" He swings his tail at her, but she just flicks him away into the wall "Hm, in my mind's eye, I saw that playing out entirely differently"

Swampfire looks to the Phantoms "So, are we going in order again or...?"

Danny: Hey, man, if you wanna go, I won't stop you. I get to go either way

Swampfire shrugs and throws a fireball at Raven who just waves it away. Then he notices everyone else looking at him in confusion "What?"

Dani: You're a plant... that throws fire?

Blossom: That physically makes no sense

Swampfire shrugs "I did it" He charges at Raven and throws another fireball at her, but like the last one it gets blown away. Then he throws a punch at Raven, who grabs the punch and uses the momentum to send Swampfire to the ground

My Hero Academia: Omniversal GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now