Two Heroes:Party Time

496 16 3

Lobby 7

Rex and Caesar arrive in some classic tuxes, and slicked back hair

Rex:Hey, where is everyone?

Iida:They aren't here yet. I hope they won't be too late

Then Midoriya walks in "Hope I'm not too la-- Oh have the others not made it?"

A collective nope comes from the other guys as Ochaco, Momo, Tsu (in a green dress) and a floating pink and white dress walk in

Ochaco:Hope we're not too late, it took a while to get ready

Izuku stares at her in a stupor, which doesn't go unnoticed by Rex or Caesar who push him towards her, sending him into a nervous frenzy

"Wow, Ochaco." He clears his throat "Y-You look great. L-like p-perfect

Then Ochaco goes into a nervous frenzy, face beet red as the door opens again revealing Mina, Gwen, Itsuka and Kyoka

Gwen in a white dress, Itsuka in blue, and Mina in a dress like Ochaco's but with black

Mina:Oh, yeah, party time!

The door opens again revealing Ben in a green and white suit "Wow, you all look great"

Iida:Alright, that's almost everyone. I believe we still have a few people we have to wait for

As if on cue Melissa runs through the door "Oh, good, I thought I missed you guys. Let's get downstairs to the party"

Kaminari:Wait, what about Kirishima and Bakugo?

Iida:Neither of them have picked up their phones. Knowing those two, they're just blowing off the party

Rex:Either that or Kirishima left his phone in his room

Unexpectedly, the island intercom speaks of the island going on full lockdown due to locating a bomb causing shutters to fall on the windows and the door

Kaminari:Sheesh, you're late to a party and suddenly everyone's on high alert

Melissa:It's strange that the security system would be on high alert. That's not the protocol when explosives are discovered

Gwen:Let's check out the party

Iida:For what reason?

Gwen:Cause Grandpa Max, and Grandma Verdona are there

Rex/Caesar:And our parents

Izuku:And All Might

Ochaco:All Might too?

Itsuka goes to the elevator "Elevator's not an option. Where're the stairs?"

Melissa points at the stairs "Right there, follow me" she runs to the stair case with the others following


Violeta's tied up like the other heroes and is forced to watch David Shield get threatened by the villains, who then spot Dr. Holiday

Wolfram:Do my eyes deceive me or is that Dr. Rebecca Holiday? Bring her too

The lackeys grab her and push her towards the elevator with David much to Violeta's chagrin *No Rebecca*

Above The Party

The team of teens are now above the party and can see the situation going down

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