Unleashed in Undertown

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The trio of felons run down the buildings into the town below as the Teen Titans chase after them, while also stealing glances of different aliens

Ben: A whole city of aliens under Bellwood

Buttercup: You sound surprised

Gwen: A whole secret city?

"Think on it later." Robin tells them since "We need to capture these guys!" The crooks split up "Crow, Lucky Girl, Bubbles, get the one in orange and black! Buttercup, Danny, Ben, the bubble boy! Everyone else, chase that chicken!" The teams splits up to follow their given targets

The crook in orange and black uses her hands like a grappling hook to climb over and run through buildings. She sees Bubbles flying behind her, but in that moment, she trips due to Crow grabbing her foot from the ground "You won't catch me so easily, puny girls" She grapples to a nearby building but is kicked away by Gwen, sending her flying onto another building


Ben and his group are after Bubble Helmet, who tells them "You won't catch me!"

"Says who, Bubble Brain?!" Buttercup flies in front of him and delivers a jaw shattering (or in this case glass shattering) clothesline, sending him to the ground "Y'know, that was a helluva lot easier than last time"


The rest of the team chases after the chicken until Robin throws a bird-a-rang at his legs, which turns into a capture rope, which sends him to the ground

Bubbles: *Target captured*

Danny: *Same here*

Blossom: A full gang capture, nice

Robin walks up to the criminal "Alright, Chicken Little, who's behind these alien shakedowns?"

Chicken Little's eyes widen before he makes chicken like stuttering noises "B-B-B-Behind you!"

Blossom: How dumb do you think we are?

Jake's dragon ears twitch and he looks back "KFC wasn't joking!"

Everyone looks back and sees a red vehicle coming at them

Robin: Quick!

They quickly move the purp but Jake gets hit by the vehicle

They quickly move the purp but Jake gets hit by the vehicle

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Driver: Hey! You took out my breaks!

"You're the one who ran me over!" Jake slams his feet into the ground and gets trucked through the Undertown Marketplace before stopping right in front of a bunny vendor

The back of the vehicle opens to reveals some irritated passengers as the driver calls out "Next Stop: Gaseous Gardens" And with that he drives off

Jake calls out to him "Hey! You don't have breaks!"

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