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The following chapter was adapted from the Season 2 episode Voided of Ben 10: Alien Force

Probably not fair to Rex, but this was the only way I could get him into the Null Void, and give him his own adventure... so here we go

Enjoy the show, and welcome to the 4th Season


The Dekusquad is sitting at a table when Izuku notices Rex being out of it "Are you alright, Rex?"

Rex sees everyone at the table looking at him concerned "Oh... Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about"

Iida: My apologies for making an assumption, but the look on your face speaks differently

Rex tries to think of an excuse "I'm fine, I just-- Y'know, I'm-- Uh..." He sighs

Izuku is quick to realize "It's Aunt Violeta, right?"

Rex sighs and nods, so Tsu tells him "Don't be upset, Rex. Your mom's a top hero. In fact, she's technically Number 1 now that All Might's retired Ribbit"

Izuku: Yeah, plus she's a Plumber. They deal with this type of stuff all the time, if anyone can survive in the Null Void, it's her

Iida: And like Principal Nezu and Mr. Tennyson said, we will aid in her rescue from this Prison Dimension

Rex starts to smile "Yeah, I guess" He decides to change the subject "While we're on the topic, what do you guys think of Plumber HQ?"

Ochaco and Hagakure tell him that "It's awesome!" While Tsu just makes excited frog noises

Todoroki just blankly says "It's interesting"

Iida nods "Indeed! To think an Intergalactic Police force was hiding under our noses, both literally and figuratively. It's almost too much to process"

Rex: Well, now that the Plumbers are officially helping Hero Courses, I'd say now you can process as much as you want

Iida starts to think of the things he and his friends could learn "An excellent point!" He says with excitement

Ochaco then feels like she should say something "Oh, hey guys? I need to say something" She gains their attention and looks to Rex specifically "Rex, I'm sorry, but... Yesterday, I promised Ashido that I'd help her with what's happening with Ben"

Izuku: So you're going with Ben and the others?

Ochaco nods "Yeah, Mina told me some... stuff, and I want to prove that they can trust me" She then looks down with what looks like guilt "Plus, I feel like I owe it to Ben. I just... I feel like I have to be there for him y'know?"

Iida does his robotic gestures "That's very admirable, Uraraka. I'm sure Tennyson will greatly appreciate this"

Izuku grabs Ochaco's hands and looks him the eyes "He's right. If you think Ben needs your help then you should help him. Who knows? Maybe you guys could become better friends with this" He says

Iida: An amazing point, Midoriya!

Ochaco looks to Rex again "I'm really sorry. Rex, I--"

"It's fine" Ochaco looks up at Rex surprised as he explains "I'm not gonna force you to do anything. Plus, like you said, you promised Ashido that you'd help her. Me personally, I don't make promises, but I understand you probably don't want to break it" He smirks at her "Just make sure not to die up there, and maybe get some pictures if you can"

Ochaco smiles at Rex and nods "I will"

A clCouple Hours Later

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