SOTO: Space Travel

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At U.A, the students were finally given a break. How long that break lasts, they don't know. Why?

1: Provisional License Exams are coming up, and at the moment, they don't know when that'll happen... or if for that matter

Why if? Well that's because of the second reason

2: Ben's Omnitrix is in Self-Destruct Mode. And if it doesn't get disarmed soon, then it's goodbye to the entire universe

Mina's Dorm

The girl has been trying to contact Ben for the past few minutes and he has yet to respond. As a result, she's starting to worry

Mina calls his phone but it goes to voicemail making her sigh "Ben, it's Mina. I've been trying to reach you for a few minutes now. I know you're with Uncle Max, so you're most likely safe. But after all that's happened I can't help but worry..." She sighs "Please just... call me when you get this okay?... I love you" She hangs up and then hears a knock on her door "Come in"

Ochaco walks in "Hi, Mina"

Mina: Ochaco, what's up?

Ochaco: Just wanted to see how you were doing. Although, given all that's happened you're probably not doing so well are you?

Mina tries to keep a smile on her face... but to no avail "I'm just worried for him"

Ochaco: Well that's understandable, a lot of us are. What with the whole "Watch might destroy all of existence" thing

Mina nods as Ochaco closes the door, which confuses the pinkette "Something up?"

Ochaco: I just wanted to ask what exactly is the Omnitrix?

Mina looks shocked for a split second, but quickly feigns confusion "What do you mean?"

Ochaco: Well...

She explains to Mina what happened when Shigaraki showed up at the mall

Mina: Are you serious?

Ochaco nods

Mina: Why didn't you say anything until now?

Ochaco: I was going to ask Ben, but he looked like he was under a lot of stress. He said that telling people would put them in danger. Then there's what happened when that Time Walker guy showed up

Mina thinks back "His panic attack"

Ochaco nods again and looks down with guilt "I saw my friend going through a lot of pain that night... and I couldn't do anything. I barely did anything when the time came to rescue everyone" She looks Mina in the eyes with conviction "I want to be useful. I want to help him"

Mina realizes what she's saying "And you think knowing the truth about Ben's powers will bring you a step closer in helping him" She summarizes. Ochaco nods so Mina sighs "Okay, but you might wanna sit down"

Plumber HQ

Max just put something on Ben's Omnitrix "Alright, that should contain any future shockwaves that erupt from your watch"

Ben looks at the device "So, Grandpa, who's this guy you were talking about?"

Max: You'll meet him soon. For now, go to the barracks and get some sleep

Ben looks confused "The barracks? Shouldn't I get back to the others?"

Max scratches his head "Normally, I'd say yes, but due to the circumstances it'd probably be best if you stay here for now" He says before walking off

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