Class 1-A Paradise

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Mic starts off this chapter "Sorry about the brief intermission, but we had to get rid of the ice before continuing! But now we're back to continue the tournament!" People start cheering and Mic introduces the next fighters "For this fight, we have the literal bird brain of Class 1-A, no offense, with a quirk that makes him darker than Aizawa's hairl



More cheers

Mic:VS The nerdiest green bean you'll ever see. He rarely relies on his quirk, and never hesitates to show off his intelligence or disturbing amount of hero knowledge!

Midoriya looks dejected "Disturbing?"


Even more cheers


Tokoyami readies Dark Shadow as Midoriya's veins glow, all of them. The veins quickly disappear in favor of green lightning enveloping his body


Tokoyami unleashes Dark Shadow, but Midoriya side steps and rushes him, so Dark Shadow turns around to charge Midoriya and grab him from behind. Everyone's first assumption was this being it for Midoriya, but in a show of will and amazing power, Midoriya frees his hand and uses a Delaware Smash to uppercut Dark Shadow

While the shadow is disoriented, Midoriya charges Tokoyami who sends a punch his way but he dodges and counters with a "Smash!" Sending Tokoyami flying out of the ring

Midnight:Tokoyami is out of bounds! The winner is Midoriya Izuku!


Rex:Geez, what's with all the short matches?

Iida:Indeed, I thought some of these matches would last longer than they have

Uraraka:Who cares? Deku won!

Rex smirks "Yeah he did. And now you can reward him with as many kisses as you want, right, Ochaco?"

Said girl turns red in the face "Uh I have no idea what you're talking about"

After The Match

Jiro went to look for Ben and Ashido. She knows they went outside but she isn't sure where so she calls Mina "Hey, Kyoka"

Kyoka:Hey, where are you guys? Midoriya's match just ended and yours is supposed to start in a few minutes

Mina:We're on our way back. Ben was just helping me with something

Kyoka:Helping you with what, taking your panties off?

Mina:Ha ha, Kyoka. Anyways, we'll be back in a bit. Oh, Ben asked if you want any snacks for when we come back

Jiro thinks for a bit "I guess some nachos would be good, and a blueberry smoothie"

"Okay, bye" Mina hangs up, leaving Kyoka confused as she walks back into the stadium


Ben as Four Arms walks up with drinks and snacks, handing some to Jiro (Nachos with cheese, chili and peppers, and a blueberry smoothie)

Jiro:Thanks, Ben

He sits down and sets his drink on the floor before turning back "No problem" He says before eating a chili cheese fry

Jiro stares at him "What is it with you and chili fries?"

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