SOTO: Epilogue-Road to Season 4

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Ben, Kyoka, and Mina just told their friends the truth about Ben's powers, the story of how he got it, the training he got with it, and some of the madness that ensued from it

Kirishima: That's such a manly story!

Kaminari: You guys went through a lot

Ochaco: I knew Blitzwolfer was a chick magnet!

Momo: Such interesting stories

Mina: And now we have an even more awesome story to tell everyone back home!

Kaminari: The others are gonna be so jealous when we tell them

Unexpectedly, a loud ass growl fills the room and Momo starts blushing "Sorry, it's been a while since we've last eaten"

Everyone laughs as Tetrax walks up, telling them that "You all did well today. You should be proud of yourselves. With enough training, you could all become fantastic Plumbers" The teens are moved by his statement, all saying thanks to the Petrosapian "We should be back at Earth in an hour or two. You should take this time to rest up"

Everyone: Right

Momo's stomach growls again "Um, Tetrax? Where's the kitchen?" She asks as everyone else laughs

Plumbers Training Room

The rest of Class 1-A are attacking a blue barrier. It takes a few hits but eventually a combined hit from Izuku and Bakugo destroys it. The blue barrier being caused by Rex using his new build, which he dismantles since the barrier was broken

Bakugo: HA!! Told you I could destroy it!

Izuku: We hit it at the same time and destroyed it

Bakugo snarls at the green bean "Shut your mouth, Deku! I did it with my power alone!"

Izuku deadpans "If your power alone was enough then how come you didn't destroy it on the first hit?"

Bakugo: I only put a small percentage of my power into it! 5% MAX!!

Izuku rolls his eyes "Yeah, sure"

Iida shows up doing his robotic gestures "Stop it, both of you!"

Rex: Yeah, let's stop arguing and go again

Hagakure looks outside the training room to see the Resolute land in the docking bay "Guys, they're back!"

Docking Bay

Tetrax walks out and says hello to the rest of the class before going to find Max. Then the Alien Force walks out and reunites with their friends

Kaminari: You guys look awesome!

Hagakure: Us? Look at you guys. You came out looking like an actual hero team that got back from a mission!

Bakugo: This better mean you extras saved the universe. I'll kill you if otherwise

Kirishima runs down and throws his arm over Bakugo's shoulder "Do we have a story to tell you guys"


The class sits together and listens to the Alien Force tell of what they went through... excluding Momo who's stuffing her face

Ben: And then I pitched Vilgax like a baseball, all the way into space!

Izuku: That's amazing!

Bakugo scoffs "I bet if I was there that squid bastard would've gotten turned into calamari in seconds" He says with hidden jealousy

Ben: I mean, technically I did beat him in seconds

Mina: And since he was thrown into the cold vacuum of space, he's probably frozen calamari

Bakugo glares at them "Don't you use technicalities on me!"

Hagakure: So, guys, how does it feel to save the whole entire universe?

Ben's about to respond but he gets smacked in the back of the head by Kyoka "Don't answer that, dork" She says

Ben glares "Why, you" And he slams her face into her food "Don't hit me, dammit!"

Everyone else just stares at them in shock and confusion as the two buttheads, growling at each other like wild animals.... or like two Bakugos

Hagakure: Uh, is this normal?

Mina sweatdrops "Not really, but it's nothing new either" She gets in between them "Alright, you two, that's enough. Seriously, you're gonna cause a scene if you keep this up"

Rex: Yeah, we don't need any more Bakugos

Said boy glares at Rex as everyone else laughs, except Ben, who's realized something "That reminds me" He looks to Bakugo "Bakugo. Training room. Now"

Bakugo looks to him in confusion before smirking "Eh? You lookin for a fight, Space Balls?"

Ben: I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't

The tension is getting thicker by the second, and Bakugo's smirk is getting wider "About time you decided to challenge me"

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