Halloween Flashback:BenWolf

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In honor of Halloween, Imma do some Spoopy Flashback episodes for Ben and Rex, both of which will be based off the original shows

Not every scene from each episode will be there since they'll just stay as canon but there will still be changes

Just gonna put this out 10 days before Halloween cause... Why not?

With the clarification out of the way, let's go

4 Years Ago: Arizona

Max took Ben, Kyoka, and Mina to look at some antique shops, right now they are looking through said antiques with an old friend of Max's, Wesley Green

An 11 year old Ben yawns

An 11 year old Ben yawns

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"I know Mr. Green is grandpa's old buddy, but could this trip get anymore..." He stops talking upon seeing a tan girl around their age doing some native dances "...cooler?"


Mr. Green:That's my granddaughter, Kai

Max:Ah, Wes, the last time I saw her, she was barely walking. Now look at her

Wes:She's preforming a ceremonial Navajo dance

Ben stares at her purely mystified which goes unnoticed by the adults, but not by the girls

Mina:Why is he staring at her like that?

Someone ain't happy, so Kyoka puts a hand on her shoulder "Relax, Mina, I'm doubt this means anything" Thunderclouds form in the sky once Kai finishes her dance and walks over to them as Kyoka asks "You sure you weren't doing a rain dance?"

Kai:Positive, why?

It's starts raining, and thundering. There's even lightning striking right next to people

Kyoka:That's why

Max:Take cover in the Rustbucket!

The two elders take the girls over while Ben stays back still in a stupor until lightning strikes behind him as a tall, dark, and terrifying figure stares him down

The two elders take the girls over while Ben stays back still in a stupor until lightning strikes behind him as a tall, dark, and terrifying figure stares him down

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