Heroes Rising: Island Attack

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U.A. Hero Agency

Mina answers a phone call "Hello, U.A. Hero Agency. Oh your suitcase has gone missing? Sure sure, we'll send someone right away" She hangs up "We've got a tourist down at the shopping center who's lost her luggage, you guys"

Hagakure immediately volunteers "I'm free, I'll go! Rex, you should come with me"

Rex stands up and stretches "Sure, I could use the work out"

Mina: Ben, can you go with them? I'm sure Wildmutt or Blitzwolfer will be able to help out a bunch

"Sure" Ben gets up and walks off as Mina looks at his back worriedly

Kyoka walks behind her "You okay?" She asks

Mina sighs "They came back"

Kyoka: Who came back?

Mina looks at her and whispers "His nightmares"

Kyoka stares at her surprised and looks off to where Ben went, asking "Is he okay?"

Mina sighs once more "I honestly don't know"


Ben: You guys ready?

Rex builds his Ride and says "Yep, race you to the shopping center" As he rides off

Ben smirks and turns into Fast Track, then he picks Hagakure up bridal style "Don't tell Pinky about this. okay?"

Hagakure salutes playfully "Your secret's safe with me!"

Fast Track hits the jets and the freshmen heroes get to work

The Pier

A ferry has crashed onto shore. On that ferry is Kevin, Nine, and their allies

Nine: Chimera, Mummy, you're in charge of diversions. I don't want to be interrupted

Chimera: So how should we do it?

Nine: However you want

Mummy: We're on it

Chimera: What's the kid gonna do?

Kevin absorbs the metal of the ferry "I'm gonna help you guys. Not much else to do" He punches his palm

Nine: Slice

Slice: I'm ready

The dudes jump down as Slice uses her hair blades to decimate every ship at the pier

Shopping Center

Ben, Hagakure, and Rex have successfully helped a couple find their luggage

Ben: That wasn't too hard, now was it?


Rex: The hell?

They run out and see people screaming and running for their lives

Civilian: Heroes, do something! It's a villain!

Hagakure: A villain?

That's when they see a bunch of mummified figures, floating... Menacingly

Ben: No way

Rex: Actual villains? Here of all places?

Ben rubs his forehead with a groan "The one time I say something like that, fate decides to prove me wrong"

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