Revelations & A Cost

147 4 3

Last Time

EVO-Lution: Emperor Milleous! In the name of the Plumbers, and the entire human race, I hereby place you under arrest for invasion of planet with intent to conquer!

Froppy looks at Milleous who notices her gaze and meets it before dropping his blaster "Alright, alright, ya got me. Hooray for you all. You get to once again show off why you get called heroes, Geez don't you ever take breaks?"

EVO-Lution: No rest for some people

Milleous shrugs "Maybe not, but you'd think someone like Max Tennyson gets rest" He points to the man

Max: Believe me, once this is over I'm going to sleep for 36 hours

Milleous puts his hands behind his back "With the work you did for your people..." He taps on a little wrist item "I think you deserve more than 36 hours of rest"

A turret from the flagship fires a laser right into Max's chest as Milleous shouts to Attea "Grab the mixed breed!"

Attea grapples Tsu towards them with her tongue before following her father back into the flagship

Time slows as Max falls to the ground, shocking everyone in the area

Lucy/Kyoka: NOOO!!!
Mina: UNCLE MAX!!!
Gwen/Ben: GRANDPA!!!

This Time

Max falls to the ground with a gaping hole in his chest, shocking everyone in the area

Lucy/Kyoka: NOOO!!!
Mina: UNCLE MAX!!!
Gwen/Ben: GRANDPA!!!

They run over to the blasted hero as everyone else stares mortified

Rex: No way...

Kirishima grits his teeth "That was so unmanly!"

Bakugo: Even I have to admit, that was cold blooded

Max groans painfully as everyone crowds around "Forget about me" He coughs "Go save that girl"

Ben: We're not leaving you here!

Gwen: We can't!

Max looks at his grandchildren and smiles "You kids. I still remember when your parents took you to meet me and Verdona for the first time" A tear falls from his eyes "That was a beautiful day" He grabs their hands "I want you to remember something" He looks around to all the teen heroes "All of you kids" He coughs "It doesn't take flashy powers, super strength, or cool costumes to be a hero. It's your will... and what you do with those powers that define you" And with that, his eyes shut, causing the surrounding teens to cry, begging for him to wake up

Plumbers from the ships above take Max away to get healed and one of them walks up to EVO-Lution "Magister Salazar, the Incurseans are being pushed back, but they're still going strong"

EVO-Lution: Can they handle it?

Plumber: I think so, but I'm not sure for how long

Gwen looks up at Ben, who looks back at her with vengeance in his eyes, not unlike Izuku mere minutes ago

The two young Tennysons start walking to the flagship, but Robin stops them "There was a saying that my grandfather passed to my father, and as team leader, I'm gonna pass it to you guys. Choose justice, not vengeance"

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