Monsters Everywhere

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This chapter opens with Rath getting yeeted into a wall "Okay, that was pretty good" He says before getting up from the rubble

The Nomu walks towards him, but suddenly it's knocked away by a giant fist and... a tiny old man

Kendo runs up to Rath "Ben! Are you alright?"

Rath ignores her and starts yelling at the tiny opd man "Hey! Tiny old dude! What do you think you're doing?!"

The man looks at him and asks "Who are you?"

This question confuses Rath "Seriously? I'm the cat who's all that! The Rath Attack! And a bunch of other things"

The Nomu soon recovers and angrily roars at them, which angers Rath in turn "Okay, this is getting ridiculous!"

"Then allow me to take it from here" Everyone turns back to see Endeavor walking towards them. He shoots his Hell Flames at the beast and sends it back a bit "I'll deal with this beast, you all should get out of here"

He goes to fight the Nomu, but Rath ain't so compliant "Now, wait a damn minute! Lemme tell you something, so-called Number 3 Hero, Endeavor, aka Todoroki Enji, Todoroki Shoto's garbage father and all around terrible human being! Rath isn't gonna just run away!

Suddenly "You guys!" Gwen's voice shouts through their badges "Stain's proving to be a bit tougher than expected! Would really appreciate some backup"

Rath growls again "Rath doesn't like running from a fight, but Rath's allies need help. Speaking of backup where's--" A laser goes past him and into the Nomu, knocking it away from Endeavor

The teens look back to see the sniper, having been a Plumber's agent

Kendo:Guess that's backup. Shall we go?

Rath:I guess

And so, they run towards Lucky Girl and Pinky's location

At The Stain Fight

While Pinky eventually got paralyzed during the fight, Lucky Girl continues it with some added help from Shoto and Deku... the latter of whom got paralyzed again after a while

As Lucky Girl gets knocked into a wall, Shoto shoots flames at Stain, who charges the boy ready to slice him in two. Lucky for him, Ingenium speeds through and kicks Stain's sword in two before sending the man himself back with another kick to his body

Ingenium:I'm sorry. This has nothing to do with any of you. Which is why I can't let you bleed anymore!

Blood drips from Stain's hand as he speaks "It's no use trying to reform for appearance's sake, people don't change that easily. You're still a mere fake who puts his own desires before others" He glares at Ingenium "A cancer to society that must be cured"

Lucky Girl gets up "You're logic means nothing, murderer!"

Then Ingenium speaks up "No, he's right. I have no right to call myself a hero. But even so..." he clenched his fist "I won't give in, if I do then Ingenium dies"

Stain's eyes glow "You'll die regardless" He charges but Shoto shoots flames at him making him jump onto a light

Ingenium:Shoto, can you regulate temperature?

Shoto:I'm not used to it with my left yet. Why?

Ingenium:Freeze my legs! Without plugging the exhausts

Shoto looks at him surprised, and Stain uses this opportunity to throw a knife at him, which is caught by Lucky Girl's mana whip

"Turbo!" She blows wind at Stain knocking him into the wall "Whatever you guys are gonna do, do it fast!"

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