What I Can Do For Now

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It's currently the weekend, meaning going to U.A wasn't for another two days so people are taking this time to relax, like Ben for example who just like he promised is going to Mina's house, who said she had to tell him something

Mina's House

Said girl's parents left a while ago and she spent the time she had before Ben comes to tidy up. Which she did rather well, believe it or not

Mina:Okay, that should be everything

Ding Dong

Mina jumps at the sound and composes herself before walking to the door. She takes a few breaths, and then opens it

Ben:Hey, Pinky

Mina smiles at the sight of her crush "Hi, Ben, come on in." She grabs his hand and pulls him in before closing the door

Immediately upon walking in, Ben notices the tidiness "Did you clean?"

Mina:Yeah, I did. Make yourself at home

Ben goes to sit on the couch and turn on the TV which showcases a Sumo Slammers marathon that starts in a few minutes exciting him "A Sumo Slammers marathon?"

Mina comes in with snacks "Yep, and I also took time to prepare for it"

Ben looks at her with a smile and then realizes "You asked me to come so I could watch the marathon with you, didn't you?"

Mina places the snacks down "Well, that is one reason"

The two have been massive Sumo Slammers fans since they were children. They tried to get Kyoka into it, but to no avail

Ben:So did you get your results back?

Mina smiles proudly "Yep, and I got in!" She laughs victoriously then looks to him "I texted Kyoka before you came, she got in too. But what about you?"

He looks at her seriously then smiles which makes her hug him happily knowing that they all got into every hero's dream school (in Japan) Ben then realizes "Hey, you also said you had something to tell me?" Mina blushes profusely, confusing him "Mina, you alright?"

She nods furiously "I'm fine. But yeah I do have something to tell you" She takes a deep breath before speaking "Ben, you've been my one of best friends for the longest time, and every second we spend together makes me feel so alive" She rubs her arm with a nervous look "You've always been there, for me, for Kyoka, and you always went out of your way to help others, and I... I always admired that" Ben didn't realize yet, but his heartbeat is steadily increasing as she goes on "You always knew me as the outgoing, happy go lucky type of girl that always speaks her mind. But there's... t-there's one thing that I never had the courage to say to you. Kyoka knows what it is, and has been trying to get me to tell you for years... but I could never do it" She grabs his hand as both of their heartbeats increase "Ben, I... I-I..."

She tries to get the words out but she can't bring herself to do it, Ben notices what looks to be fear in her eyes so he grips her hand tight and looks her in the eyes "Mina, whatever it is, you can tell me. Don't be afraid. I won't judge you, and I won't stop hanging out with you if that's what your worried about" She stares into his eyes and before he can say anything else... she grabs his face and slams her lips onto his, earning a gasp from him, then he sinks into it

They hold it for a good bit and separate after 5 seconds

Ben:Woah, that was--

"Wicked" Mina says with an enchanted face before covering her face in embarrassment upon realizing she said that out loud, earning a laugh from Ben. She looks to him shyly

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