Joint Training Battle: Class A VS Class B

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We start this chapter in Rex's room, who's sleeping peacefully... until some type of pulse goes off in his head, and then he hears glass shatter. He senses it came from Izuku's room, so he goes to check it out

Rex knocks on the door "Izuku, you good in there?"

The green bean opens the door "Hey Rex, yeah I'm fine"

Rex tries to look inside his room "You sure? I heard glass shattering"

Izuku blocks the view of his room "Oh that? I just... fell and something I had in my hand flew out"

Rex stares at him skeptically "You're a terrible lier, man"


Izuku sighs, knowing that he's right "I uh... I don't wanna bother you about it. I'll tell you sometime tomorrow, ok?"

Rex shrugs "Alright"

He walks back into his room as Izuku closes his door and tries to go back to sleep... he can't. We all know where this goes, so let's skip ahead

Gym Gamma

Class 1-A has assembled, ready to start the lesson, some with different outfits

Mina put a coat on her suit, Bakugo got his canon winter suit, but with the armor I gave him with it. He also got back his old grenade gauntlets and out that over his new ones, Momo extended the sleeves on her suit, and added the red cloak, Hagakure put a purple cloak made of the same material as her suit over it, and Deku has this

 He also got back his old grenade gauntlets and out that over his new ones, Momo extended the sleeves on her suit, and added the red cloak, Hagakure put a purple cloak made of the same material as her suit over it, and Deku has this

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These are the upgrades Hatsume, and Melissa were talking about. To say Izuku was impressed and excited is an understatement. And yes, he still has his cowl

"You guys sure seem relaxed" Said someone from Class B who enters the area to meet their peers

Kirishima: There you are. We've been looking forward to this

Tetsu: We have too

That's when two pairs of green eyes make contact, I think you all know who they belong to. Ben walks up to the other class and in response, Gwen walks up to him. They stop right in front of each other and just glare, which intimidates most of their classmates

Awase: This is intense

Sato: Two of the strongest 1st years

Tokage: And they just so happen to be related

Kaminari shivers, not because of the cold, but because of the shift in air "They're just standing there... MENACINGLY!!"

Neither class knows either Ben or Gwen as much as Mina, Kyoka, or Itsuka, but they all know that when any two people glare at each other so competitively, that means one thing. Shit's finna go down

Gwen: So, I heard you guys ran into some trouble on Nabu Island

Ben: Just another random villain attack that none of us asked for. What about you guys? Go on a little adventure of your own?

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