Training Day

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Train Station

Everyone is ready for the internships and Aizawa tells them how to handle themselves and act during their respective times before sending them off

Ben walks off with Jiro and Ashido back outside as Yaoyorozu catches up with them "Guys" She calls "Seeing as how you all have some experience with this type of thing, are there any tips you can give me or something you can tell me about what we're doing?"

Ben:Yeah, I can tell you while we walk

Long story short, these four all got recruited by Ben's grandfather which should've been obvious for our main three, as for Momo... well, you'll understand


Rex, Midoriya, and Uraraka give their condolences and wishes of luck to Iida, beginning their own conversation after he leaves

Rex:Alright, well, I gotta go. My mom isn't someone to be kept waiting

He fist bumps Midoriya and hugs Uraraka which he also uses as his chance to whisper to her "When this whole internship thing is over, ask Midoriya out" Uraraka lets go in a hurry and goes red in the face as Rex runs off "Bye, guys!"

Midoriya:Bye, Rex!



Max is waiting by the Rustbucket when he spots those coming with him walking up "Ah, there you all are"

Ben:Hey, Grandpa

Kyoka: Hey, Gramps

Mina: Hey, Unc

Yaoyorozu walks up to Max and bows "Hello, Mr.Tennyson, my name is--"

Max laughs "No need to be so formal, please call me Max, and I know who you are Yaoyorozu. And I must say I'm glad that you all are here"

Ben:I wouldn't miss this for the world Grandpa


Jiro:Me neither

Yaoyorozu:It's an honor to be here

Max:Alright, you all being here means you've looked over and accepted the offers that I personally had given to you all. Now, Yaoyorozu, what we'll be doing is classified

Ben:In other words you can't disclose any information about this to anyone, not even your family

Yaoyorozu is shocked by this statement but doesn't question it "I understand. I swear not to tell a soul"

Max:Good. Everyone get in, I'll explain what we'll be doing on the road

As the roadtrip begins, the teens are sitting in the booth while Max drives the Rustbucket

Ashido stretches her arms in the seat "Ahh, this takes me back. Feels like only yesterday we had those summer trips"

Jiro concurs "Yeah, good times"

Yaoyorozu:You went on summer trips in this RV?

Jiro:Yeah, that's when Ben got his powers. We went around the country. We explored, trained, hung out and played

Ashido:The year after we took a trip throughout America. Honestly, I liked that trip more

Yaoyorozu:I see. I doubt we'll be doing the same thing during our internship though

Max:We won't. What we'll be doing is something a lot more advanced

Ben:Define "advanced"

Max:We're going to a Plumber's base

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