The Flames of War

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Present Mic:And now with the cliffhanger out of the way, Start!

Wait a damn minute! Who gave you permission to break the fourth wall?

Aizawa:Not the first time. Won't be the last

...Just start the game

Present Mic:You heard the writer! "Just start the game!"

Jiro and Ashido smile at Ben's plan, with the former telling Rex to "Build your motorcycle! Quick!"

Upgrade adds some pods to it to carry the girls, like in some motorcycles (or more accurately in some spaceships) except with small Slam Cannons on the front of them

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Upgrade adds some pods to it to carry the girls, like in some motorcycles (or more accurately in some spaceships) except with small Slam Cannons on the front of them. Told you it was unexpected

Ashido:What's with the cannons?

Upgrade's head appears next to her "You can fire your quirks through them" Upon hearing this, Jiro plugs in her jacks into some entry points while Ashido does the same with her hands. Before anyone can react, soundblasts and acid start flying around the place

"The girls can keep on the defense." Upgrade states, confident in this plan "Rex you keep us mobile. I'll take care of the bandannas" He grabs someone's bandanna as he says that

Present Mic:In a shocking turn of events, Ben Tennyson and Rex Salazar have combined their powers, giving their team a major edge! Anyone that even attempts to get near them either can't keep up, or is forced to keep away from their defenses! IS THIS EVEN ALLOWED?!?!?!

Midnight cracks her whip "It's an amazing showcase of powers, and makes for a spectacular show! So yes it is!

Meanwhile, as soon as the challenge started, everyone elsestarted gunning for Midoriya's team. They're lucky Gwen created a platform to fly them away from the competition, while also deflecting any attempt at an attack aimed at them

Midoriya:Wow, Gwen, this is awesome!

Uraraka:What kind of quirk is this?

Gwen smirks as they find a spot to land "It's mana manipulation" They land and start running

Hagakure's team plans on going after them, however they quickly notice her missing headband, which was taken by Upgrade, who notices that "Midoriya's teamed up with Gwen?"

Rex:By the tone of your voice, I'm assuming that's bad news

Upgrade:If they weren't in first place, definitely. Gwen's without a doubt one of the strongest and smartest people here. Let's keep away from them for now

Rex:Got it!

Midoriya's team gets attacked over and over again, but with Gwen's magic, Midoriya's inhuman dodging skills (I swear he had Ultra Instinct in this episode), Hatsume's gadgets, and Uraraka's gravity manipulation, they get away unscathed

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