Fear of The Exams! And Ben's Trauma

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At the table with The Dekusquad Rex wonders "Hey guys, since Momo and the others are doing a study/training group, how about we do one?" The others look at him in shock

Ochaco:Rex, are you serious?


Iida thinks "That is a great idea. We could study for the written exam together and train for the practical"

Rex nods "There's a place my mom and I go to for training. Although, I'm not so sure where to go for studying"

Iida:My house is viable for a study group

Rex:Then it's settled. We go to Iida's house so he and Izuku can help with the written exam, and then my house for training for the practical. Any objections?

Everyone shakes their heads no signaling that everything's settled, so let's skip to class

Bakugo:Hey, Deku!

Said boy looks to him already annoyed "What, Bakugo?"

The pomegranate ignores this defiance and speaks "I don't know if you've gotten used to your quirk or not, but I do know you have a knack for pissing me off"

The green bean is having none of that "Everything pisses you off. You're the least mentally stable person in this class. Get to the point already"

Bakugo scowls and then looks to Ben "You listen up too, you Intergalactic Idiot!"

Ben looks surprised "Holy crap, I didn't think you knew such a word"

Bakugo ignores this as most of the class snickers "Deku beat me at the Sports Festival, but I've had my eye on facing you for a while. After these exams, you two will see that I'm superior!"

Ben:Actually, I'm more interested in who would win between me and Izuku since I haven't fought him

Bakugo:What was that?!

Ben ignores him and looks to Izuku "How about it, dude?"

Said boy looks to him in shock then smirks "Right! I plan to give it my all!" He says


Rex:Hold on. If we're declaring rivalries, then let me in on it!

Todoroki walks up and calls out "Hey" He gains their attention "I plan to give it my all as well. This isn't another declaration of war, but more of a challenge between rivals" They all smile at him as Bakugo glares at them while everyone else looks on in shock that the loudest person in class is so easily ignored and forgotten

Yaoyorozu Estate


The study group stares in wonder and shock at the gate

Ben:She's like Wayne or Stark rich

Mina:Press the button

Ben:I'm not pressing it

Kyoka decides "I'll press it" She rings the doorbell and the gate opens

Some time later, they sit in a massive table as Momo walks in with a full tea set, and soon enough they get to studying

Salazar Residence

The training area (a big white room)

Ochaco:Woah, this place is huge

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