Heroes Rising: Nabu Island

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I tried to find a video of the movie's opening, but to no avail, so instead you'll have to watch the movie to get context. Anyway it starts off like it does originally, except when it comes to Endeavor's appearance, it's EVO-Lution

She grabs a grenade and builds her Slam Cannon on top of it, she aims the Cannon at the front of the truck and fires

The truck explodes and goes flying off the road and into the forest below

EVO-Lution flies down to the truck and finds "Hawks? What are you doing here?"

Hawks turns to her "Ah, don't bite my head off, Magister. I just now flew in"

EVO-Lution walks up to the truck "Where's the League?"

Hawks: They were doubles, courtesy of Twice

They open the cargo hold and find some type of chamber "This looks like a high tech life support system." Violeta says "What would they need this for?"

Hawks: To haul around a new type of Nomu maybe?

EVO-Lution: It's possible. Have this sent to Plumber HQ for analysis, and in case something was in this thing, let's have a look around

Hawks: Yes, ma'am


The something was a man with very long white hair, said man is currently being held up by Kevin Levin, who we met last chapter, as they meet with a group of people

Chimera: Sure took your time meetin back up with us, Nine

Nine: It was worth the wait. The experiment was a success

The group chuckles

Nabu Island

Now we see a pair of perverts tryna hook up with some girls "Hey there! Do you hotties wanna get into some trouble with us today?"

Lady: Yeah, I think we'll pass

Both playboys skip toward them only to get caught by their feet in webbing and brought up to the ceiling

That's when Spidermonkey hangs upside down from a string with a smirk on his face "Some jerks just don't know when to quit, huh?"

Class 1-A of U.A. High School have been sent to Nabu Island, where they are doing real hero work, as permitted by the Hero Safety Commission to help students learn more about hero work. Not like or unlike the internships or the Work Studies

To those who haven't seen the movie, or read the final bit of the last chapter, you're probably wondering "Why are a class full of teens on an island?"

Allow me to answer that with a

Flashback: 1-A Classroom

Aizawa: The Hero Work Recommendation Project. You'll be stationed on Nabu Island in Southern Japan. Seems their previous hero in residence got old and retired, so the "lucky" people of the island will have to depend on you until a permanent successor arrives

Class 1-A: We're going to be doing real hero work?!

The whole class gets excited... until Aizawa shuts them up "You'll be completely on your own. No teachers to help you or pros to back you up. You're responsible for everything that happens, good or bad. Keep that in mind, and behave as heroes should at all times. Understood?"

Everyone: Yes, sir!


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