Legacies and Preparation

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After the USJ incident, school was canceled for a bit and everyone just stayed home, took it easy, some were probably hugged nonstop by concerned parents but everything was fine

In the hospital All Might and Midoriya explained One For All and All Might's... condition to Ben, understandably he was surprised but he understands why it was kept secret so

Izuku:Wait, so you agree to keep it a secret? Just like that?

Ben:Yeah, just like that. I have my own secrets so I can keep this one, but that's for a later time

All Might smiles "Thank you, Young Tennyson" Ben just throws a thumb up

Ben's Doom

Said boy is watching TV when suddenly he gets a knock on his bedroom door "Come in"

The person who opens the door is none other than "Mina, hey. Wha--"

Ashido slams the door before he can finish, shocking him before walking over and slapping him in the face making him wince and hold his cheek "What the hell is the matter with you?"

Ben looks to her in shock and sees her with anger and worry written on her face "Mina, I--"

Mina:A concussion, and a spinal fracture?

Ben:I know, and if I wasn't Cannonbolt at the time, it could've been worse--

"It doesn't matter!" His eyes widen at this sudden change in her voice tone as she continues "You could've just come back to the entrance with us, but no, you had to go and have this happen. Kyoka and I were worried sick! Even All Might was struggling to fight that thing! Why didn't you just come back to the entrance?"

Ben looks at her solemnly and he tells her "It's not the first time I risked my life, and it definitely won't be the last, not in the life we're trying to live"

Tears threaten Mina's eyes "That doesn't mean you have to fight a beast that not even the current Number 1 hero can easily beat. Kyoka and I tried to see you but they wouldn't let us. I was scared for you. I was..." She sniffs "I was--"

Before she can finish, Ben hugs her "I'm sorry for making you worry. I'll be more careful from now on OK?"

She hugs back worried that he can't promise that, but is at least happy that he'll try "You owe me for making me worry so much"

Ben nervously chuckles "Fair enough"

Mina pulls back "You know Kyoka's gonna wanna hear from you too right?" She says

Ben:I'll make sure to call her. As for you, my parents are going somewhere soon and won't be home till later tonight, so I'm all yours

Ashido smirks devilishly and pushes him onto the bed "That's all I needed to hear." And she attacks his lips

Before y'all get any ideas-No they didn't do it, they just made out and then went out... soon though

Rex's House

Said boy is playing video games with Izuku and talking about what happened at U.S.J

Izuku:That must've been crazy

Rex:Says the guy who had a run-in with the head honcho

Izuku looks down "Yeah, and that was terrifying. Definitely not something I'd wanna go through again"

Rex pats his back "Well if we're lucky we won't have to." He beats Izuku in a game

Izuku:Aw dang

Rex laughs "And if you're lucky you might actually beat me in a game" The two share a laugh

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