Blaze of Glory Time

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Plumber HQ

The Alien Force, with the additions of Bakugo, Izuku, Lucy, and Julie board


Itsuka: Good luck up there, you guys!

Momo: Good luck down here!

The hatch closes and Ship takes off, flying out of the base

Itsuka turns to the rest "Alright, Lucy said that the Shiketsu students are around here. Let's find them and join the fight"

Pierce: There should be some leftover tanks parked somewhere. We can take those into the fight

Manny: We can stock up on gear too!

Itsuka: Lead the way

In Ship

Izuku: This is amazing!

Bakugo: Stop nerding out, Deku! We have bigger things to worry about!

Momo: Listen up, once we see the quinjet, we fly towards them and help them to the flagship, but we need to be careful. This is probably the biggest fight we'll have yet

Kaminari shrugs "I don't know, the battle on Xenon was pretty big. I think this'll be tied"

Ship flies into the atmosphere "SHIIIIIP!!!"


The Teen Titans quinjet has made its way to the space brawl

Buttercup: Woah

Gwen: It's like Star Wars

Attea crosses her arms and legs "So, do you guys have an actual plan, or were you just hoping to enter the ship and give me to my father?"

Robin looks at Rex "Comms ready?" Rex hands him a mic and Robin clears his throat "Incursean Emperor Milleous!"

Incursean Flagship

Milleous croaks with confusion and intrigue at hearing his name

Robin: You said an important person was on our planet, right? Would one of them happen to be your daughter? We have her on our ship, safe and sound! We have no intention to hurt her, we'll gladly bring her to you. All we ask is that you and your empire leave Earth alone

Milleous grabs his mic "Do you truly have my daughter?"

Attea's voice comes through "Hi, daddy. Don't worry, I'm safe. They're bringing me towards the armada. We're in the only ship that isn't black, white, and green"

One of the Incursean ships suddenly blasts the quinjet. Milleous saw that though "My daughter's on that ship! Cease fire!"

The quinjet has sustained extensive damage. It flies towards the Flagship as Ship flies towards the

Lucy: Where are they?

Mina: I can't see through the fighting

"SHIIIIP!!!" Ship expands their view onto the quinjet, which is flying at the flagship with fire on its right wing

Izuku: They must've been hit

Momo: Full speed ahead! We have to help them!

Ship flies toward in the quinjet's direction at his top speed

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