World Heroes Epilogue: The Road Upstairs

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And so the world is saved once again, the Forever Knights of Humarise were arrested, the Trigger Bombs were stopped, and nobody (else) died

Due to Rody's help in saving the world, and because of the knowledge of his family within the Forever Knights, the Souls were put into Witness Protection, just like the Shields after the events of Two Heroes. They were moved to Japan, where the kids can get a proper education and make friends. Rody himself was offered a chance to go back to school, whether a regular one, or U.A, or even the Plumber's Academy. He didn't wanna go to a regular school, and he figured he wasn't quite cut out for U.A. Guess that means Rody's a Plumber in training now

As for Jimmy and Jane, they flew back to Bellwood on the quinjet and have reunited with their parents. The three heroes were thanked by the Jones parents for their services, and actually stayed a bit so Jimmy could show them his inventions. This couldn't last too long though, since they had to go home

Jimmy: Will I ever see you guys again?

Ben: Maybe, if you go to U.A

Rex: Or if you look on the news

Gwen mana whips their heads "Yes, Jimmy, you'll see us again. If you're still in contact with Melissa, I'm sure you'll be able to get in contact with us"

Jimmy: That's true

The three heroes walk over to the jet, but Ben stops and looks back at him "Hey, Jim!"

Ben takes off his letterman and tosses it to Jimmy "What? But, this is--"

Ben: Yours now. Take good care of it. It's big for you now, but you'll grow into it. And if you wanna give it back, just keep it until the next time you see us, cool?

Jimmy smiles and nods "I'll guard it with my life!"

Ben gives him a thumbs up and runs into the jet, which quickly takes off

Jimmy waves at the jet, and puts on the jacket

"I somehow feel like I've been wearing this my whole life" He runs back into his house, happier than ever____________________________________________________________

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"I somehow feel like I've been wearing this my whole life" He runs back into his house, happier than ever

Class 1-B Dorms

Mina: So, Gwen, how's it feel having short hair again?

Gwen runs her hand through her hair "Kinda weird, but I can get used to it, at least until I grow it out again"

Itsuka: You guys seem a lot better than before

Gwen: Well, I guess getting convinced to help a friend and getting nearly murdered in the process helps cope with the pain of loss

Ben puts a hand on Rex's shoulder "In other words, thanks for the reality check, Rex"

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