WHM: Never Give Up

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Real quick, I own none of the art or music used in this or any other chapter future/past. All credit goes to the artists responsible

The Quinjet flies through the air from the airport at high speeds

Gwen: It's safe to say that we're gonna be met with a lot of resistance, we should be ready for anything. How long do we have?

Jimmy looks at a laptop "An hour 30!"

Ben: Todoroki, send a message to HQ and tell them about the key

Todoroki does so "Done"

Jimmy walks up to Ben and Gwen "Hi, sorry. It's just, wow! I can't believe I'm here with you two"

Gwen: Jimmy, right?

Jimmy nods "Yeah! I don't know if my friend, Melissa Shield, told you about me, but she said she was friends with you guys"

Ben remembers that "Oh, you're that Jimmy. Yeah, she mentioned you, said you did a lot of digging into Grandpa Max's powers"

Jimmy gets nervous "Not for anything nefarious, I promise. I'm a huge fan of your grandpa" He lowers his head somberly "My condolences, by the way. I was really sad when I heard what happened, but I can't imagine what you guys are going through. He was an inspiration"

Ben: You wanna be a hero?

Jimmy scratches his head "Well, kinda. I uh... I don't really have a quirk" But Jimmy smiles "But I'm really good with technology, I make all kinds of inventions"

Izuku: Is that how you got all that stuff? You made them?

Jimmy nods "It's a hobby, of mine. I always wanted to meet Maximillion and show him my gear. I thought maybe he would let me work on support gear for him, maybe I could even meet you guys" he gets somber again "But then..." he looks back at Ben and Gwen with a smile "When Melissa told me she met you, I was so jealous. She got to make friends with you and go to U.A." He pours "Meanwhile, I'm stuck in boring old Bellwood, where nothing happens. I only have one friend there, Melissa was the only other one I had, until I met Rody and Deku..." The two Tennysons smile at the kid

Gwen: We can be your friends

Jimmy looks up, surprised "Really?"

Ben: Sure, maybe you can show us some of the gear you made

Jimmy's eyes start sparkling as he laughs excitedly "Yeah, I'd be honored to!"

Rody: We're closing in

Rex: This is it. We can't mess this up

Todoroki: We won't! *We'll stop the Trigger Bombs*

Bakugo readies his gauntlet grenades *We'll crush those crazy bastards!*

Izuku: *We'll protect the innocents*

Rex: *Avenge those who were killed in that city*

Gwen: *Defend the heroes*

Ben: *Save the world*

Rody: We're here! I'm gonna land, so hang on!

Izuku: No, you and Jimmy should turn back after this

Jimmy: Wait what?

Rody: Why?

Bakugo: Commoners like you should stay put

Todoroki: He could've worded that better, but he has a point

Rex lowers his goggles "This isn't some casual day on the weekend"

Gwen lowers her mask "It's dangerous here, we don't want you getting hurt"

Ben opens the hatch and activates his Omnitrix "From this point on..." He leaps out first "It's Hero Time!"

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