WHM: Start Your Missions

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The Nanite Project: A Scientific Breakthrough theorized to evolve humanity through the remains of an alien species

January 10 2020, the day the Project went awry and became the genesis of something far darker-The Nanite Event. The Nanites, spawned from the alien's remains, scattered across the globe and ingrained themselves into every living thing, mutating them into Exponentially Variegated Organisms, or E.V.Os. At some point, a woman with the ability to control her Nanites helped cure the E.V.Os alongside the agency of Providence. That was the last time anyone's seen an E.V.O... for a time

Since then, people all over the planet would reactivate their Nanites, gaining abilities only seen in comic books, which evolved over the course of 200 years. Despite these abilities, there's a theory that these powers will reawaken the E.V.Os inside, that Quirks are not a blessing for humanity, but the beginning of the end. An end that nearly came not even a week ago when the Incursean's threatened the planet. And this was after Vilgax came and did the same

We cut to a temple like room, where a blue skinned man stands before a crowd of knights

This man is Flect Turn, Leader of Humarise: A faction of a notorious and ancient organization "As soon as life outside of Earth was confirmed, the end of humanity was sealed

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This man is Flect Turn, Leader of Humarise: A faction of a notorious and ancient organization "As soon as life outside of Earth was confirmed, the end of humanity was sealed. So is said in the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory" Flect lifts up a book "As generations pass, quirks mix and evolve, until eventually, no one can control them anymore. The Age of E.V.Os will return, along with more war mongering space tyrants. In these times where 80% of humanity is sick with the alien made disease known as Quirks, the remaining 20% who are still pure humans could also have relations with Quirk Holders, or be driven to madness and even death by Quirk Holders, decreasing their numbers!" He lowers the book and stares at it "Extinction is in front of our eyes! As is even proven by the Tennyson family!"

An image of Max is displayed

Flect: The recently deceased Maxwell Tennyson, also known as Maximillion, who for years has sullied his own body with the DNA of various alien forms, had children with an Anodite, an alien race from another dimension with power nigh divine

An image of Verdona in her Anodite form is displayed, along with images of Ben and Gwen

Flect: These sins carry onto their grandchildren, Benjamin and Gwendolyn, who have inherited their respective abilities. There are only two beings on this planet with the power to end all of this, the descendant of she who cured the world of E.V.Os, EVO-Lution, and even her son Rex Salazar

Images of the two are displayed

Flect: With their powers over nanites, including the Omega Nanite at their disposal, and Plumber Resources, they could eradicate quirks forever, yet they choose not to! And so, we in Humarise: Faction of The Forever Knights, must take action now! Even if it means to dye the Earth in Blood! For Humanity's Salvation!

The crowd of Forever Knights repeats this phrase, as one man manages to sneak out of the meeting

Flect Turn takes out a dagger "Now, let us begin" He presses a button on the blunt end

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