The Situation Worsens

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Gwen, Mina, and Julie successfully teleport onto the invading ship in a storage area "Whew, made it" Gwen falls to her knees but the other girls catch her

Mina:You alright?

Gwen:I'm fine. I'm not used to teleporting a group of people yet so it took a lot out of me. That's all

Julie looks to a nearby window "Woah" She can see Earth "This would be awesome if we didn't have to be concerned for any reason" She notices a bunch of white and green ships flying their way "There are ships coming"

The other girls look out the window to see what she's talking about

Gwen:Those are plumber ships

Mina:Uncle Max is on one of those ships, and they'll probably start attacking once they think they're close enough

Gwen:And grandpa's probably gonna force his way in the ship with a small group looking for Ben. Grandpa gets angry whenever something bad happens to us, so chances are he'll be out for blood

Julie:It looks like we don't have long before this ship reaches Earth either. I don't think any of us know how powerful the weapons on those ships are

Gwen tries to sense for Ben's mana as Mina concludes "Then we have to find Ben and fast"

Gwen:I found his mana signature, let's move

The three girls run off with Gwen leading the way


Basically, it's a war zone. There's people fighting outside, Violeta, Izuku, and a couple of Plumbers are fighting the Pack inside, shots being fired in every direction. It's Mass Mayhem

Violeta:You shouldn't be here, Izuku!

She smacks an E.V.O away as Izuku kicks another one "I know, I'm sorry!" He says "But I couldn't just sit back and do nothing while my best friend was in danger!" He says punching another E.V.O away

Meanwhile Caesar and Melissa are at the door with masks on and weapons


Melissa:As I'll ever be

Caesar pulls the pin off of a smoke grenade and waits




He opens the door, throws the nade out and quickly shuts the door

Outside, the grenade releases a ton of smoke, hindering everyone's sight, expect for that of Violeta who can see perfectly fine through her mask

Melissa and Caesar walk through the smoke with gas masks and go behind the roots that hold Rex captive. Caesar puts a small disk on them, which secretes weed killer, killing the plants, and effectively freeing Rex

Caesar gives him a mask as Melissa goes to Izuku and gives him one, all while Violeta is blindsiding every Abysus Native that she walks past

After a bit, the smoke finally clears and all that can be seen are E.V.O.s on the ground, and some Plumbers getting up, but most notably, Violeta and Van Kliess staring each other down

Van Kliess smirks "Very impressive. It seems your little rescue mission is a success. What now, hero?"

Violeta gets into a battle stance "Now I take you down"

The two charge each other for another round whilst the teenagers take a moment to breathe

Rex:You guys are insane

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