Not Over Til The Frog Lady Sings

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We open this chapter in one of the larger Incursean ships, where Milleous and Attea have the Asuis

Milleous: Now then, I'm sure the lotta you have a lotta questions

Beru and Tsuyu were out in chairs, sitting in front of the bars that the rest of their family were placed behind

Ganma: You're damn right I have questions! Who are you?! And what do you want with my family?!

Milleous: Oh, I don't want nothing with your family. I just came to reunite mine

Beru looks down ashamed as Tsuyu glares at Milleous "What's this about, Milleous?" Asks the girl

Milleous looks to Beru "The rest of them I get, but you haven't told her?"

Beru: She has nothing to do with this

Milleous: Nothin, huh?

Tsuyu looks over to her mother "What is he talking about? How does he know you?" Beru averts from Tsu's gaze, which said girl doesn't like "Mom!"

Milleous rolls his eyes "Alright, since she's not gonna tell ya, I will" He pats her head "The reason I know your mother is that she's the long lost Incursean Empress"

The other Asuis gasp while Tsu glares at him "You're lying"

Milleous chuckles "I'm lyin? Nah, you're in denial. You learned the truth when you were freed from your cell, right?" Tsu continues to glare at him "We've been searching for her for a long time. 15 Earth years to be exact"

Ganma stares wide eyed "15 years?"

Milleous shifts his attention to Ganma "That mean sum to you?"

Tsu looks back at Ganma, who looks at Beru, who keeps her ashamed gaze to the floor. Ganma sighs then looks to Tsuyu "Tsuyu... have I ever told you how I met Beru?"

Tsu looks confused "I don't... think so"

Ganma: It was 15 years ago. I was taking a drive through the countryside, just minding my own business

Flashback 15 years ago

Ganma drives through the countryside, just minding his own froggy ass business

Sonic Boom

Ganma sees what looks to be a shooting star, but it seems to be entering the atmosphere. It flies right over him and crashes somewhere in the forest

Ganma decides to check the crash out against his better judgment... because that's the rule of stuff like this. "When something appears out of nowhere and you're the one to see it, you have to investigate" Granted, you usually see this with white people, but still

Anyway, Ganma walks through the forest and finds an Incursean woman stepping out of a frog like pod with a Baby Incursean crying in her arms. The woman looks at Ganma in shock and slight fear

Ganma looks back with shock as well, taking note of the shock and fear in her eyes. Then he looks at the child "You need some help?"

The woman croaks in confusion "Um... yes, that would be appreciated"

Ganma walks over to them, slowly "My name is Ganma"

Incursean Woman: I am Beru


Ganma: I ended up bringing her and the child to my home where they would soon reside. The only people who knew about it were some close friends of mine, and as the years went by, Beru and I got married

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