SOTO: The Prison Planet-Space Fight

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Incarcecon: The Prison Planet

Tetrax and Class 1-A's Alien Force Friend Group walk through the Intergalactic Prison in their disguises

Ochaco: Um, Mister Tetrax?

Tetrax: Just Tetrax is fine

Ochaco: Okay then, Tetrax, where are the guards?

Tetrax: No guards, no rules, no parole. On Incarcecon, it's survival of the deadliest

A fight breaks out in the middle and quickly ends with a guy getting his head bitten right off

Tetrax looks at the horrified faces of the teens "Probably should've given you all a better warning before we came here" They continue their trek through the prison

Spider-Monkey rides on the back of Mina, both covered in a big cloak (He didn't have a choice in the matter). They quickly see a guy step on some type of alien bug... before using his long tongue (Pause) to take it into his mouth (Stop it) and eat it (I said Stop it!) The two stare in horror or disgust respectively

Mina: Uh, help yourself, we're on a diet

Momo grabs Mina's hands and brings them along to the group as Tetrax looks back at them all

Tetrax: Maybe you guys should wait over on the side until I can scope this place out

The teens agree with no hesitation and wait on the side, with Kaminari sitting down and being the first to admit "I was not ready for today"

Momo: I don't think any of us were

Spider-Monkey looks around when the back of his head starts tingling *Woah, Spider-Sense! I've been trying to get this to work for ages!* His Spider-Sense leads him to look at some railing on the floor above, and what he finds is shocking

(Yes I'm giving Spider-Monkey Spider-Sense. Why? Because, technically Spider-Sense is an actual thing. Spiders use their hairs to sense potential danger, so yeah)

Mina can see the sudden fear on his face "Greenie, you okay?"

Spider-Monkey: It can't be...

Mina's starting to get concerned "What? Ben, what is it? Talk to me"

Everyone else looks at them confused

Ochaco: What's going on?

Spider-Monkey suddenly jumps away and web slings over to his target

Kyoka: Ben!

Spider-Monkey swings and jumps over everything in his path before webbing something and then throwing it at his target

Not too far away, Tetrax hears a sudden explosion and looks back, only to get punched in the face by SixSix, who says "I've been looking for you, Tetrax"

Tetrax: It's been a while, SixSix. You still mad about the incident?

SixSix pulls out his blaster and fires only for Tetrax to dodge

Tetrax: I'll take that as a yes

As that's happening, the teenagers start running in Ben's direction, with Momo vocally wondering "Why'd he suddenly run off like that?"

Kyoka: Not sure. But we have to find him before he does something stupid

Another explosion goes off and they see Spider-Monkey jumping to a nearby wall before getting grabbed by another figure

Kirishima: What the heck?!

Kyoka: She looks like...

Kyoka: She looks like

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