Rise from the Depths

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"Monsters can never be born, they must be created"~Krios530
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

When I get back to June I'm wiped out and she has to open the window for me so I can use the last bit of my energy to fall on the bed while my transformation recedes. The bed violently creaks under my weight but holds solid while June looks at me. I wordlessly hand her the book about faded deities while I hold on to the other one and go into a daze to try and regain my strength. That feeling when I flashed behind the gods, I felt like I could do anything if I willed it to. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by June hugging me and saying,"Thanyouthankyouthankyou!! This book has all the info that's missing on The Outsider!"
I just groan before my mark glows again and the book springs open while the pages turn on their own until it lands on a torn out section. June carefully places the page in position and the tear marks glow golden before re-attaching the two thin pieces of paper and let's out a brief flash when it's done. June wants to read it all right now but I place it to the side and mumble,"You can look at that when we get to Alaska tomorrow, right now we both need to get some sleep."
She sighs but gets on the bed while I grab a pillow and a spare blanket from the closet and make my bed on the floor. After a few minutes June says,"Goodnight Percy."
I smile a little and tell her," Goodnight princess. Tomorrow you'll see the land beyond the gods." and drift off to sleep.
In my dream I'm standing in the Olympian throne room and I look over to see a ghostly image of June standing there in shock. I just press my pointer finger to my lips in a 'quiet' motion and she just nods while we listen to the conversation. They're discussing me, and what I could become. Zeus looks to Artemis and firmly says,"You must find him! As much as I dislike the boy he could become a powerful ally for war when his power fully matures. I don't care if you bring him in alive or half dead, just find him and bring him in breathing! Apollo can heal his wounds."
Artemis nods her head and disappears in a flash of silver, to her girls no doubt. Athena looks to her father and calmly says,"Father are you sure it is wise to send her against the boy? I don't doubt her skills, but the Hunters will suffer heavy damage going against him, especially with his new form and powers. You saw him handle Jason so what makes you think that those girls will do any better?"
A evil smile makes its way across Zeus's face as he explains,"I don't care what it takes to secure the boy, but we will have him no matter if we have to sacrifice something in return."
I'm fuming and decide to make myself known,"You know you're sick right? Only a sick person would waste lives like this you old thunderbolt!"
Everyone becomes stock still and Zeus roars,"Perseus Jackson come out!"
I laugh and the gods all shiver when I say,"I'm here.....No, I'm there! I'm everywhere Zeus and the only way you'll catch me is if I'm dead! The Hunters won't catch me even if you do send them against me, I've got too much of a head start! Just because I'm so nice I'll give you a hint as to where I'm going, someplace outside America."
I let them see me then and Zeus throws his lightning bolt but it passes right through me. I smirk a little,"I'm dreaming you idiot. If you think I'd really come here you are a bigger idiot than I give you credit for. Care to come out princess?"
June appears next to me and waves at Athena,"Hi mom, how's it going?"
Athena stutters,"J-June why are you with Perseus?"
June laughs a little,"Why do you think? He picked me up from camp and is going to be teaching me some sword skills and we're gonna spend some time together to talk and read a little."
Athena pales,"The books. Where are you two?!"
June starts to answer but I quickly say,"No more clues for them princess. Now I think it's time for the game of hide-and-seek to begin. Seek us out at your own peril, because this monster wants some blood on his claws."
We fade away and the last thing I see are the expressions of horror on the Olympian's faces and I leave them with a final threat,"I await you and the blood that will flow."
I wake up and squint my eyes as the sunlight nearly blinds me. I shake June awake and she bolts up and I say,"We have to go, now."
We both slip out of the room and I melt the ice around the tires of my motorcycle and put the books in the pouches on the sides before turning the keys and the engine roars to life. June puts her helmet on and sits behind me with her hands on my shoulders as I ease us out from behind the motel and onto the highway. We make good time and soon we're in Illinois, where I left Blackjack. I park is with the motor running and whistle sharply. In a instant Blackjack lands in front of me and I stroke his nuzzle while June hugs his neck and he whinnies,"Hey boss! What's up with the hunk of metal?"
I sigh,"Blackjack how many times have I told you to not call me boss?"
He snickers a little so I just roll my eyes and help June onto him and she asks,"Percy how are you gonna get back?"
I motion to my motorcycle,"It would be a shame to leave it. I'll meet you at the house. Go on Blackjack!"
He takes off and rapidly fades from view with June waving at me. I wave back until I can't see them and get on my bike before gunning it and do a wheelie for a second before roaring off towards Canada, and ultimately Alaska.
It's been three days since I left Illinois and I've been taking my time to get to Canada, I want those girls to find me. I've been getting fuel for my bike by manipulating some out of the gas pumps and into the engine while I've been reading the death book, and it's actually quite interesting. I can practically feel those Hunters getting closer to me but I have a special surprise for them when we meet, yes a very special surprise. I'm pulling out of Minnesota now and I'm a hundred miles from the border of America and I've stopped to get a bite to eat when a silver arrow bounces off my hoodie. I pick it up and snap it in one motion before letting the two pieces fall to the ground. I hear a angry goddess say,"You'll regret that boy!"
I smile a little,"So the goddess Artemis and her Hunters grace me with their presences? This is a terrible mistake on your part goddess."
She makes a fist in the air and suddenly I'm surrounded by girls with bows notched and aimed directly at me. I simply say,"Transform, trench coat."
My Nemean lion skin stretches itself down to my feet and fastens itself around my waist before becoming black leather. I raise the collar up to protect my head and say,"Give it your best shot. Let see if you can do any damage with those weak arrows."
They all release and all the silver bounces off my trench coat before I raise a hand in a clawed fashion and say,"Now rise, and do as we agreed."
The grass around me dies and turns black before a skeletal hand breaks through the earth, followed by a body who's form flickers like a lamp. About ten follow suit and I place my hand on the ground for the main attraction while whispering,"I summon thee from the depths of Tartarus. Rise, Orion."
The giant bursts from the ground and showers everybody but me in dirt since I made a water shield around me. He looks to me with his metal eyes and nods his head in recognition while I do the same and he turns back to Artemis with fire in his eyes before asking,"So we get a chance to fight them? Is this why you summoned us?"
I nod my head and say,"Do it and I'll let you roam around Alaska so the gods can't touch you."
He simply draws a sword from the sheath at his side and smirks,"Ready to go another round Arty?" and lunges for her.
The battle is over fairly quickly since the skeletons I summoned break apart and form a cage around the Hunters while Orion has Artemis pinned to a tree with a few arrows stuck in her dress. He's about to put one in her skull but I place a hand on his arm,"No. We won't kill her this time. She'll have to explain this all to the others anyway and that is what we want, to inspire fear."
Orion takes his time but eventually lowers his bow and it vanishes in a flash of black light before becoming a tattoo on his wrist. We both turn away from them and start to walk away. When we get a few feet away I feel a presence behind me and turn while swiftly extending my claws and slashing them across my attacker's stomach. Artemis clutches her stomach as ichor drips down her dress and I say,"Foolish. Very foolish. I expected more from the Goddess of the Hunt, and not a child who can't defeat a monster. You have two choices goddess, fight and I will kill you all and devour you, or walk away. I think Zeus would like the first option since he really doesn't care about lives being lost to catch me but I'll let you decide."
She thinks for a moment before letting out a pained,"Go. But the next time we meet I will kill you."
I smile a little,"I await the day Artemis. Let's go Orion, we're done here. Can you keep up at 60 miles per hour?"
He smiles a little,"Are you kidding?! For me that's a jog!"
I laugh,"Good! We'll go at a hundred then!"
He smirks devilishly as I get in my bike and gun it while my trench coat becomes a leather jacket. We make it into Canada and I yell over to him,"Need a break?"
He just shakes his head no and speeds past me so I push the bike faster, like 120 fast. We reach Alaska in a few hours and roar into the town where my house is, free of any gods.

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