Conference Between Superpowers

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"Remember these words, little brother. The comparison between us is like saying a ant could defeat a man."~ The Outsider
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

The Outsider doesn't turn around to face his younger siblings,"Chaos. Eternity. Why are you here?"
Chaos smiles,"What? We need an excuse to visit our brother after so long?"
"The last time you visited me was just before your framing of Corvo. You want something, so what?"
Chaos quickly looses his smile,"That boy, your champion, was supposed to be recruited into my army. Eternity marked him as mine even before he was born. I want what I was promised!"
The Outsider doesn't answer for a while before taking a breath,"You can't have him, he is my entertainment and queen piece. Besides, not even Eternity can control his fate now as he is out of her reach."
Chaos' eyes gleam dangerously,"I want him. He life is mine to have."
He's silenced as he's slammed into a floating meteor while The Outsider looks down with rare anger in his eyes,"See here little brother," and his eyes gleam cruelly,"Fragment bears my mark. Not yours, mine. I gave him power and a purpose while you sat doing nothing as he was recovering from the Olympians. I approached him like a patron should, while you acted like a child and refused to meet with him until the last possible moment. For the last time, he is going nowhere!"
Chaos gets up with his eyes flashing and a snarl on his face,"You have no right criticizing me! I have more claim than you and a true child of End, unlike filth!"
The Outsider grins coldly,"Correction, I am just as much that man's child as you, even if I despise him. And as such I will not listen to your demands! You forget Chaos in here I am omnipotent and omnipresent! Now know your place as trash!"
He swings his arms up violently and Chaos is ripped into two parts consisting of his upper and lower body before the Outsider mashes his hands together and Chaos' body is put back together again with his top facing the wrong way as he furiously tries to prevent it,"Why can't I use my powers?!"
A cruel smile answers him,"This is my realm, and my will supersedes yours. If I wish I could make you fade to nothingness right now."
The Outsider's hand closes as a ball of energy shrinks around Chaos until Eternity stands between the two,"Enough, brother. This is entirely unnecessary."
The Outsider growls at her,"You stay out of this!" and then his face and voice becomes devoid of emotion,"He deserves this for trying to steal from me. It's time someone put him in his place."
Eternity winces as the star flecked eyes fall on her with their emptiness,"You will stop this, or else."
She's instantly floored as a bleached skeleton climbs up the chunks of floating stone and buildings and glares down at her with sulfur yellow in its eye sockets,"Is that a threat," and his lips twist in a sneer,"little sister?"
Eternity shakes as the skelton opens its mouth and the sharp canines make a dry clicking noise as they open and close at random intervals. Eternity swallows with a suddenly dry throat,"N-yes. I won't allow you to bully us around like this."
The Outsider laughs,"Finally! There's that backbone you've lacked all these years! However," and the skelton roars and pushes the siblings back,"you are too late to receive any mercy from me."
He swipes his hand and a harsh wind pulls the two intruders towards a tear in the space,"Now leave, and only come back if you are willing to admit your mistakes."
The two are sucked into the tear and deposited outside in the real world. Chaos fumes,"How dare he! He took one of my soldiers from me!"
Eternity sighs,"There's nothing we can do about it now. We best be getting back to our soldiers now."
Both vanish and appear on a planet that seems to be made entirely of liquid metal and crystal spires. They glide over the metal ocean and enter one of the spires where they're met by an attendant,"Lord Chaos! Lady Eternity! Your commanders are waiting for you and the new member in the throne room!" and he looks around,"Where is he by the way? I'm eager to meet the newbie you've been going on about."
Chaos just looks at the attendant,"He will not be joining us right now. There's been a complication."
He turns to go and Eternity addresses the attendant,"Have the rest of the soldiers wait outside the throne room until we call them in."
The attendant races off and Eternity sighs as she walks after her brother and sits down next to him while the two commanders stand in front of them,"Where is the new recruit, Lord Chaos?"
Chaos sighs as he runs his hands over his face,"He will not be joining us. I was too late in recruiting him."
The other commander, a female, seems confused,"What is the problem? If he's dead you can just bring him back to life like with some of us."
Eternity looks to the female,"That's the problem, he's not dead. He's been marked by my other brother."
Both flinch and the male swallows,"You have to be joking. You two said he hasn't been heard from in a thousand years. Why would he appear now?"
Eternity looks at the two with a serious expression,"Because the line of Corvo has produced him, but with godly blood instead of mortal blood. Perseus Jackson is perhaps the most powerful demigod to ever be born in the history of the world. He was originally powerful enough to defeat minor gods and Giants, but with my brother's power and a dormant power he's awakening he can challenge even primordials at his full strength. We can't even approach him or change his fate as he's managed to exist outside my control."
She looks like she wants to say more but her brother places a hand on her shoulder,"The others are waiting outside." and he speaks loudly,"You may all come in!"
At least a hundred people enter the throne room in five groups. One group has feathers in their hair, another has kohl over their eyes and an ankh necklace, the third has Celtic tattoos over various parts of their bodies, the fourth is made of people wearing kimonos and plate armor, and the fifth group is wearing Greek armor with some Roman armor mixed in. Chaos sighs,"As many of you know, our newest potential recruit is not with us right now. As of this moment it is the mission of every person here to capture Perseus Jackson. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter as I'll be able to heal him."
The Greek and Roman groups seems very upset at this and the lead member steps forward,"With all due respect sir, why? What makes Perseus so dangerous?"
Eternity takes over,"He is outside my control now. He has been claimed by The Outsider and cursed by Gaia to become half monster. He's become very powerful and we believe he may've been entrusted a sacred relic to replace a weapon he used in a resurrection ritual."
Most of the members of the Greek and Roman group seem confused,"Percy never used necromancy. Who did he bring back that was important enough to sacrifice Riptide for?"
Eternity rests her head on an upraised arm,"I believe her name was Zoë Nightshade, a former leutenant of Artemis. Just today he nearly killed a minor god for trying to marry her."
Most of the people present seem shocked while the leader of the Greek group whistles,"Never took him to be so violent."
Chaos laughs lightly,"On the contrary, he acted accordingly. If I was put in his place I would've outright killed the flea. He was practically one step away from raping her."
Chaos suddenly gets serious,"He's not totally gone so I still want him to join us."
He opens his hand to show a orb of clear crystal,"This is a much...less horrifying version of my brother's heart. When the orb is blue that means you're close to Perseus, and when it's red he's within 50 feet of you."
Eternity hands an orb to the female commander,"Understand, we don't want you to spend every free moment finding him. You all still have jobs to complete that outweigh this. Dismissed."
The soldiers scatter out and the Greek leader grabs a few members,"Come on, we're gonna go have a talk with Percy."
"Get back here you coward!"
"No way in the underworld! I value my life and my limbs!"
Zoë chases Percy around the garden until they're both gasping for breath and Percy cracks a grin,"I really enjoy these visits. Running a organized community is tough."
Zoë sits next to where he's laying and smiles a little,"I'll admit, your visits are very anticipated by my sisters. They seem to enjoy the stories you tell them."
Percy sits up with his arms supporting him,"Just them? You seem to enjoy the ones about the monsters I've hunted."
Zoë blushes faintly,"Maybe I did? So what? When I was still Artemis' lieutenant we hunted only Greek monsters. It's nice to hear of more exotic ones. Have you mad a deal with the Native American's yet?"
Perch looks up at the sun, then at the watch on his wrist,"I've got a meeting in a few minutes. I'll drop by on my way home. See ya Zoë."
His wings extend and after running a few steps he throws himself over the cliff edge. Zoë watches as he soundlessly rises into the air and puts a hand on the side of her face to find it especially warm and smiles faintly,"You're really something aren't you Percy?"
I'm around 30,000 feet with my wings moving on their own and watch the scenery under me as I enter Yellowstone Park and my mark stops warping time, leaving me winded as I land in a clearing with a few buffalo present. They stare at me before continuing on as multiple animals either walk or land in the clearing. A wolf, raven, coyote, and a silver fox are in front of me before becoming men and women. I bow a little,"Lord Esa. Raven. Coyote. Lady Silver Fox. Has your pantheon come to an agreement for my services?"
Lady Silver Fox smiles and motions for me to stand,"We've agreed that your services would be greatly appreciated. As payment we will provide any artifacts with your benefactor's mark, and occasionally a weapon or two if the prey is worth it."
I smile,"That's actually better than I thought I'd get!" and cough with a small blush,"And by the way, are those stories true? I had a bet with one of my werewolf friends that Lord Esa was into the *ahem* younger women."
The wolf god blushes while Coyote doubles over laughing,"Oh lord! Your secret's out big bro!"
Elsa glares at him and I start backing away,"If that's all then I'll be heading out."
Raven grabs my arm,"One second."
I feel a burning where my wings are folded against my body and he lets go,"I just strengthened your wings and hardened the frame to be able to take light blows without the bones breaking."
I look over at him in surprise and he smiles,"Consider it a down payment."
I thank him and take off without a running start and my mark starts warping time again until I pass into California, over Mount Tam. I drop sharply and land next to Ladon and greet the old lizard before moving towards Zoe's cabin and knock. She opens the door and we go in before sitting down to talk about miscellaneous subjects until night rolls around. She lets me sleep out in the garden and my wings cocoon me in warmth instead of taking the offered blanket.
I'm almost asleep when a object collides with the shield I set up and creates a sound like cannon fire,"Holy!"
I bolt up and my wings spread out before folding to my body while I run for the impact point. When I get there I'm greeted with a old face that had long since died in the Titan War,"Beckendorf...."

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