A Monster's Past

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I snarl as I bring both swords up,"I'm going to enjoy this way too much."
The next second the sound of steel striking steel screams in the air as we clash and Saber's arms tremble from the raw power in my own before I disengage and leave a single slash that easily carves through her armor and gives the edge of Excalibur a red coating. While her mind processes the fact I bypassed her armor so easily I swoop in and deliver a five hit combo that ends with me smacking her away with the flat of Excalibur,"Come on girl! Show me why Caliburn chose you!"
Her eyes narrow and I simply watch as her armor repairs itself and mentally note that the scent of fresh blood has ceased. She breathes out slowly and charges towards me with speed that makes me grin,"That's it now! Come on!"
Our swords clash and scream as the wind surrounding her Excalibur is ripped away to show a blade glowing with golden light while I deposit Dyrnwyn in my shadow and go in with my Excalibur shrouded in frost. Our blows makes the ground tremble under us as we dance across the open area and I knock her sword upwards before grabbing my own with both hands and slash her from shoulder to hip, only for my blade to scream against a golden glow that surrounds her. I only see the slight grin on her face before she returns the favor and nearly cuts me in two before I can jump back and watch as my black blood gushes onto the ground,"Huh...wasn't expecting that."
My wound steams and regenerates within the second and I grin at her shocked look,"Your sword certainly isn't a fake I'll give you that. Cutting through my body's natural armor isn't easy, and I forgot that Avalon is also your absolute shield. Now though you've made me get serious, so get ready," I bring my sword up so it appears to be resting in a sheath at my hip,"don't blink," and my leg muscles tense,"and don't die!"
I explode forward and the ground under my feet caves in as I bring my sword swinging upwards,"Invincible sword: Rising Dragon Fang!"
My blow knocks her sword wide and causes the glow surrounding her to develop webs of fracture that makes her eyes widen before I bring Excalibur down for the second part of the technique,"Descending Dragon Fang!"
The blow causes the glow to shatter and leaves a deep slash down her right side before the effects of the frost kicks in and numbs the area, making her entire right side go limp. Before she can even register the loss of motor function my arm blurs to create a shower of stabs that knocks Excalibur from her hands and sends it skidding across the ground. All is silent for a moment before I scoff and lower my blade,"This is finished."
As soon as I finish speaking the slight healing magic I cast on Excalibur fades and needle-like punctures open all over Arthuria's front to let the pressurized blood shoot out like a demented watering can. She stumbles back and falls next to her sword, which I kick away just in case Avalon heals her faster than I think. My sword lazily rests under her chin and my red eyes glare down at her,"That was...disappointing. You held back and let me slaughter you. If I really wanted to kill you I would cut your head off right now, but for some reason Berserker wants to fight you."
I swing the blade to the side, cleaving through the steel support beams embedded in the concrete,"If you manage to beat him then we'll have our true battle. And if you hold back at all," and I squat down so my lips are next to her ear,"I'll rip you apart piece by bloody piece."
I can see her shaking as I will Thrafsma's full fear aura to crash down on the area, strangling the humans and making Saber pass out. When she does I stand up and drop Excalibur into my shadow where it disappears without a trace. I snap my fingers and a muted yell echoes through the night as Lancer's master and his fiancé vanish in darkness. After all is done I glance back at Emiya and his wife and my eyes narrow,"I showed you mercy once, Einzbern. Yet you repaid me with an attempted murder against my master."
I Blink through the space between us and wrap my clawed hand around his throat and slam him into the wall behind him, cracking the concrete and undoubtably damaging his back,"Now you must know the saying 'eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth' right?"
His eyes widen at what I imply,"Yes. And a girl for a girl. Cherish the time with your daughter, because her life might just be cut short. I won't kill her if that's what you think, but she just might find herself becoming the vessel of that damned cup in your wife's place."
I can hear the gasp coming from the Einzbern woman just as a sniper bullet ricochets off my skull and flies further into the abandoned building. "Watch what you do from this point on. You walk amongst beings that your shallow human mind cannot comprehend. The dark of night is my domain. You cannot escape me, but try to anyways! It always makes the game so much more fun on my end."
I don't let him go as Darklings crawl out of my shadow with a woman with short dark hair,"We found the one who tried to shoot you."
I grin while still glaring at Emiya,"Thank you. Go join the others. I think they mentioned tonight they were having assorted tourist."
He cheers before vanishing even as my shadow rises up and crawls over my hand and withdraws to show one of my guns firmly in my right hand while my left still holds Emiya in place,"This is your associate right? Even if she wasn't you care about her enough for me to do this," and I fire a single bullet into her bound form.
She remains silent for a moment before her back arches from the agonizing pain now filling her. Undeterred by the muffled screams coming from her gagged mouth I unload a few more shots into her to cause extreme pain, but not enough to kill her. "Right now she's feeling the full effect of what my blood soaked specials do. Should be akin to having your insides ripped out and grilled while they're still connected."
I slam the butt of my pistol gun down on Emiya's head and his eyes roll into his head before I let him drop onto the unforgiving ground. I turn and glare at the homunculus as she backs away before my wings explode from my back caked in blood and wordlessly jump and soar into the night sky. When I leave the city and enter the countryside I land on a rocky outcropping and speak to the air,"So you gonna explain what the hell happened with your form?"
"...Yeah, you deserve to know considering I'm just a intruder."
"Beginning. Now."
"Heh...fine. You've already found out that I'm not really connected to your soul in a permanent way. That damn angel already told you that much. Beginning huh...yeah I guess that's fair enough considering I know everything about you."
His voice has lost all traces of amusement and energy as what I can only describe as wistfulness takes its place,"To start with I'm the son of Gaea and Nyx. And before you say anything I know both are female, so I was made by them combining the raw essence of their domains. In other words I'm raw primordial energy given form. However I wasn't like my brothers and sisters. I didn't inherit the great strength of the titans, and I wasn't born with an affinity with the night and darkness like my siblings. Instead I was born as a spirit, one that lacked a soul. A soulless beast with a bone mask."
He chuckles bitterly,"My childhood was the worst part of my life. Constant beration from the night b**** and her 'proper children'. The pricks. They hated me so much she even created an entirely separate realm for me to wander so she wouldn't have to look at me. If you can't tell by now I hate the majority of my family. A mother and siblings who hated me, both sides by the way, and the only thing I could really do is wander. Still....momma loved me. That's all I needed for a time."
A soft sigh breaks his speech,"I grew to detest my weakness so I traveled to the edge of the world, the parts that were still unexplored and untouched by my estranged family. There I explored the depths of my divine core and awakened the fire you saw manifest. Blue fire that lashed out at any being with a soul, burning away their very existence while also taking a minuscule amount to create the will-o-wisps that would later serve as my eyes and ears in the supernatural world, and even later on would put together a patchwork soul. It would be many years until I left that place, and that was only because I'd gotten wind of a war between my family."
I can feel the anger he's keeping from infecting his voice, and failing,"Those wastes of matter momma called children, the titans, along with Nyx's spawn decided they wanted more power than they were given. They encroached on each other's territory and they were risking momma's existence with how much damage they were causing the planet. Heh, I can still see their faces when I nearly incinerated them all in one shot. They hadn't counted on me actually training to improve myself instead of being content with my natural power like them. I beat them to hell and back to extract their oaths to not war with each other. After that I went back into isolation and the only people who could talk with me were momma, and Rhea."
Now that's a surprise,"What about all that bad blood? And what about Ouranous?"
Thrafsma snorts,"That deadbeat? He tried to prove how powerful he was by doing a sneak attack when I was flying, but he didn't count on me making a hole in the atmosphere with the amount of power I put out. Bastard ran with his tail between his legs. As for Rhea, well I guess she just got older. Believe me, I didn't trust her either when she stumbled on my territory the first time. Hell, I nearly turned her to ashes because she refused to leave. After that though she just kept coming back and talked with me, with her actually talking and me mostly ignoring her. After a year of bi-weekly visits though she brought some company for me, lion cubs."
The genuine affection in his voice catches me off guard,"Miri and Lyon. Those two were balls of fluff when she brought them to me and asked me to watch over them. I grudgingly accepted since I'd become slightly lonely with momma entering a deep sleep to recover from the damage the bastards caused. It was only after I accepted that Rhea told me they were going to become her sacred animal. Apparently she trusted me that much, and that was what got me to actually hold a conversation with her from that point on. It was...nice, yeah, nice to have a sibling that I could talk to and ask questions about how the world worked. She told me about love, joy, pleasure, family. Especially family considering she'd just married Kronos."
"I'm legit curious about how you felt about that."
"Back then we really didn't have values like humans today do. The end justified the means. Doesn't mean I liked it since I believe in working for what you want, but that's how it was. So my answer would be that I didn't really see anything wrong with it, but I didn't support it because I knew what Kronos was like. I was the only other one present when momma told Kronos that one of his children would cut him down...that's when I urged Rhea to never become pregnant, if only for her own sake. It was a few months after that during her visit she put one of my hands on her stomach and excitedly told me I was going to be an uncle. I was happy. For the first time something other than momma's words had made me happy to such an extent."
He goes silent for a while and slowly picks up again,"Then the day of the birth came. I remember hiding in the mountains listening to my sister's screams before a new voice filled the air. I saw her hold the bundle, the first of the Olympians, Hestia. The niece I already loved and cherished. Then Kronos asked to hold her. Rhea thought nothing of it and handed him my niece while a cold feeling spread through my body. If I could've stopped him I would've, but The Fates, curse them, bound me in chains that completely immobilized me. I could only watch as Kronos lifted my niece to his mouth, and swallowed her whole. After that I returned home and waited with Miri and Lyon. It was a month before Rhea visited me once more and spent most of the time crying while I held her. I whispered words of compassion and told Rhea of momma's prophecy, that one of her children would rise up and overthrow Kronos.
It took centuries for Rhea to conceive, carry, and birth her children before grieving over their fate. By the time she had birthed Hades Prometheus had already created humans with small pieces of my fire at their center. And by the time she birthed Zeus she had become bitter with Kronos to the point where she would actively try and make the prophecy come true. I watched as she hid Zeus away, watched as he grew into a fair youth that caught the eye of Metis. I watched as he tricked Kronos into vomiting up his siblings and waged war with the titans. I couldn't interfere no matter how much I wanted to support my nieces and nephews, until Nyx's children joined the titans. That was honestly one of the best days of my life, charging onto the field with Miri and Lyon by my side as we swept through the enemy and kept Kronos isolated with Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. While they defeated their father I took my nieces and made the ground wet with ichor. After that I simply let things run as they should, with only the departure of Miri and Lyon to my sister's side being an event I considered important.
I spent time with my new family, Hestia the most as she was most like me in body. After that though...I don't remember much other than Zeus going on a temper tantrum because I was stronger than him, and a feeling of weakness before I was killed. Needless to say momma was furious and cursed Zeus with the promise that a being would one day rise up and rule over him. All I really remember was her taking my soul and putting it in stasis before I somehow woke up inside you."

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