Life from the Monster's Perspective

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Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

I emerge somewhere in Eastern Europe gasping for air while my clothes stick to my body and pieces of seaweed are in my hair,"Never. Never doing that again."
I decide to walk around and let myself air dry while also admiring the blossoming trees and make a note to add them to my personal mindscape the next time I enter it. I keep walking until I go through a park and take a seat on one of the benches directly in the sunlight. I bask in the warmth and doze off for a few minutes before I hear something shuffling around in the plantation behind me. Eventually a small girl crawls out with a puppy in her arms and notices me before shrinking back slightly. I grin and pat the spot next to me before closing my eyes again and let warmth wash over me. I hear the wood creaking slightly under her as the girl sits down next to me without a word. We stay like that as minutes filled with silence pass before I ask,"Where are your parents?"
I can feel her turn her head to look at me and smile with my eyes still closed,"School has ended and you aren't here with anyone else besides that puppy. Am I wrong assuming you're an orphan?"
I crack my left eye open and see her nod while running a hand over the puppy's back,"People don't like me."
I'm confused,"You seem like somebody people would like. Are the humans truly that blind?"
She seems surprised at me criticizing humanity before brushing her pink hair back to show two little triangular horns poking out the sides of her head. She closes her eyes like she expects me to hit her but opens those eyes in surprise when my hand touches one,"Natural horns on a human? No, you're much more than a mere human. What is your name?"
She looks at me for a few seconds before saying what I guess is her name,"Lucy."
I grin and show my enlarged canines,"Nice to meet you Lucy, I'm Perseus. You aren't the only one with extra features."
My wings quietly unfold behind me and lift my shirt up while my hands become claws. She gasps as my green and red eyes become blood red,"Like I said, I've got some extra features too."
She reaches out and pulls her hand away,"It's okay. You can touch them, I don't mind at all."
She grins and runs a hand over my left wing and I shudder at the feeling that goes down my spine. She stops and I notice I'm dried out enough so I get up,"It was nice meeting someone like me, but I've got to be going."
I get ready to take off when she grabs my shirt,"Please don't go! Nobody else will talk to me!"
I feel Thráfsma getting angry and pull a piece of The Darkness from my body and fashion it into a bracelet that I give her,"Here. When you wear this and need help just imagine me next to you and I'll come as quickly as I can. If I'm busy or in the middle of a job I'll finish it quickly if you need me before I appear."
She takes it and puts it on and gives my waist a hug,"Thanks nii-san!"
She runs off with the puppy and I shake my head while Thráfsma hisses,"Typical humans. Always preaching about equality and yet they discriminate against a child because of something they were born with!"
He hisses at the back of my head and I sigh as I pull my wings in and step into my shadow,"Humans are fickle creatures Thráfsma. I should know best because I was one before Gaia fused us together. I'm honestly glad she did otherwise I might still be under the impression the Olympians cared about their heroes."
Thráfsma huffs as I trudge through the path set before me,"True enough. Without my influence you would still be a naive brat fighting wars you had no business in. And I agree with your view on Gaia fusing us together, or else I'd still be a mindless beast in Tartarus right now."
I emerge in Karakura town and enter Dark Vision to see into the spiritual plane. Monsters of all forms greet me while ghastly masks lock onto my powerful presence,"Bloody your claws, Thráfsma!"
He howls as he's let loose and I allow my conscience to be pushed aside for him to take control,"Go wild."
In the real world Perseus' eyes open to show blood red sclera with a serpent's pupil,"Whooooo baby! I finally get a chance at spilling some blood!"
As he talks a blood covered tail shoots out from his tailbone while black tattoos cross over his whole body and thicken to show barely any skin. His hair becomes like quills and flex straight back from his head and his hands become gruesome claws. He drops onto all fours like a giant cat and bares his fangs in a terrifying grin,"So...who's gonna be my first kill?"
A black mass with a mask like many the others are wearing charges straight for him while the section near its mouth rips apart to let it scream. Thráfsma grins and lopes towards the monster and slides under it before turning on a dime and jumping on its back before digging his claws into it and taking a bite out of it at the same time. It screams and turns its head a full 180 degrees to try and bite him, only for the part of Perseus' soul to lunge forward and latch onto its masked face and shake it side to side savagely. A sickening crack tells him he broke its neck before he closes his mouth and rips part of the mask off before he swallows. The rest of the body disintegrates into particles of spiritual energy and he lands on all fours while grinning at the remaining beasts shaped like the first one before lunging forwards with his eyes glowing like lava,"Dinner time for me!"
About twenty hollows later he's ripping the mask off the last one before his ears perk up and the rest of his body follows a second later,"What was that?"
He hears a scream followed by a guttural roar before dashing off and releases his wings to take off into the air. He follows the sounds of fighting until he spots a new form of the masked beasts bearing down on a young woman with a jet black sword in its hand. It gets ready to deliver the death blow as the woman sits against the wall with blood staining her left shoulder when Thráfsma roars. Both look up just as he bullets into the beast to send them flying down the alley and kicking up a dust cloud in the process. The woman is watching with wide eyes as the two scuffle and Thráfsma grunts,"You're one *wham* ow! Okay that does it!"
The beast flies out and goes through some nearly barrels while Thráfsma's tail gets ready to strike again. He looks behind him at the woman and assesses the situation before bringing his attention back to the monster in front of him,"Okay then, Excalibur and Dyrwyn are out. Guess I'll have to use my tail and claws. Although," and his tails flexes to deploy multiple spikes along its length,"that may not be so bad."
The barrels where the beast is explode and the it gets to its feet with its sword in his grip,"You got a name big guy?"
It either doesn't hear the question or ignores it because a red orb flickers to life between its horns while Thráfsma looks at it in curiosity,"Huh? What's-" and he's engulfed in a blast of red energy.
The woman watching closes her eyes to avoid seeing the charred body while a young man suddenly seems to appear out of thin air and winces at the sight of a person being blasted. Both are surprised when a tail lashes out of the smoke resulting from the blast and cracks the monster upside the head,"That really hurt!"
The smoke clears away with a strong gust of wind to show Thráfsma still standing with burns covering half his body, burns that fade away so quickly he doesn't wince when he thumps his hand against his chest,"But that won't pierce my skin!"
He looks up at the human standing in the air,"Hey! You just gonna stand there, or are you gonna help subdue this thing?"
The man seems to remember where he is and drops down next to Thráfsma while drawing a katana while said beast grins,"That's more like it! Can I get the name of the shinigami I'm fighting alongside of?"
The man's sword shines as he gets in a stance,"Shiba Isshin. Yours?"
Thráfsma grins as he draws the collapsible blade from his shadow,"Just call me Thráfsma. Get ready Isshin Shiba, because here we go!"
Isshin lunges forward while shouting,"Burn, Engetsu!"
His blade is sheathed in power as he sweeps it upwards barely a second after releasing his shikai,"Getsuga Tensho!"
A blade of blue energy explodes from the edge of his blade and knocks the beast even further into the air while Thráfsma flies past it and kicks both his feet downwards. The beast flies into the stone and cracks it before getting up like nothing happened. It catches Isshin's blade in its open hand but is unprepared for the kids that originates from the shinigami,"Shó!"
It flies back towards where Thráfsma is crouched and is impaled on his tail,"Got you!"
The spines on the end of his tail extend outwards like a grappling hook as the same thing happens with the spines directly against the beast's back to prevent it from getting free. He slams the monster into the ground over and over again until it's too dazed to move before his face brightens,"I've got it! I'll call you White since that seems to be your favorite color to wear on your face!"
The now named White growls and tries to claw out the spines keeping him from properly moving while Thráfsma tsks,"Tough guy eh?"
He flies into the air and stops at just below half of a mile in distance before flying straight down with White flailing behind him. Just before he hits the ground he curves up and White slams into the ground and doesn't get up. Isshin shields the woman from the debris kicked up from the crash and both watch as Thráfsma pokes the hollow with his shoe before giving them a thumbs up,"He's out cold!"
He walks over to them with while dragging White with him,"You two okay?"
Isshin nods,"We're fine Thráfsma-san. Thanks for taking care of that adjucas."
Thráfsma looks back at White,"So that's what an adjucas looks like? He looks like a mean one with the scary mask and all."
Isshin places his sword over the snarling mask but Thráfsma stops him,"I'll take care of him."
He claps his hands and his shadow stretches under White before the beast sinks down and is fully submerged in darkness. When he's asked about what happened he smiles,"I just put him in a sort of "cold storage" if you can call it that."
Isshin seems like he wants to question Thráfsma more but the woman grabs her shoulder as white liquid seemingly flows out of it. Without a moment to spare Isshin drops next to her and puts a hand over her shoulder and closes his eyes. His hand sparks with spiritual energy and both their eyes glaze over. Thráfsma just sits down and does an internal check while he waits and finds he's gotten a little stronger from eating those hollows. By the time the two come out of their trance Thráfsma is getting ready to leave when he notices them,"Oh you're back. So how'd that soul purging go?"
Isshin is breathing heavily along with the woman so Thráfsma sighs before stretching his hands out,"Evlogía Theoú."
A small dome of light covers them and restores their energy to almost their full capacity before it fades and Thráfsma looks at them,"Better? From what I'm feeling I guess you gave her your remaining power, which is against your kind's law. Add to the fact she's a quincy and you'll have Soul Society gunning for you in no time flat."
Isshin explains his plan to hide in the real world and Thráfsma nods,"A good plan." and hands them a small piece of The Darkness," If you need anything just wish for me to appear next to you, and I'll come running."
The woman smiles slightly and bows her head,"Arigatou Thráfsma-san."
He waves a hand,"It's no, what's your name anyways?"
She giggles and smiles,"Kurosaki Masaki at your service."
Thráfsma nods,"Nice to properly meet you. And with that I bid you both good night and good luck with your plan."
With those words Thráfsma smiles before sinking into his shadow, and out of sight.
Hello all you beautiful people out there! I'm back from camp and my family reunion and am ready to post the two chapters I managed to finish Monday and yesterday. Hopefully I'll have another finished by tonight or early tomorrow morning to make up for the long wait. So for now I'll just say good reading and, as always, stay frosty.

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