Of Demons and Angels pt 2

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Blackjack circles around the small island where I can feel something giving off a presence that makes my blood feel like ice,"This it boss?"
I nod,"Yeah bud, Angelus is somewhere down there," and I spot something,"Blackjack, go down a little. I think I see something moving around."
The pegasus drops abruptly and stops a few feet above the treetops while I cast a silencing and concealment spell to make sure we aren't noticed. A golden blur passes under us but Empathy pulls the image from my short term memory, enlarging it for Thrafsma and himself to see,"Well, f***. Take a look boss."
He shows me the memory and I internally swear when I recognize the symbol stitched onto the jacket,"The Brotherhood. Seems like the Darkness will be getting its fill of blood tonight."
I slide off Blackjack and creep up behind the human before lunging for his head. My body crashes into him and the man lands facing me. Without hesitation my the hand with my brand slams down on his head and his face goes slack before his irises turn gold. I get off him and get back on Blackjack,"Come on man. Lets go meet up with the others.
Alex's jaw drops,"You've gotta be kidding me."
I grimace,"I wish I was. This could complicate things."
June raises her hand,"Uh, Percy? What was so bad about that person?"
My eyes snap over to her,"That's right, I only told Alex about the Brotherhood. Pull up a seat kiddies, Uncle Perseus is gonna tell you a story."
I lean back against Blackjack and the pegasus covers my lower body with one of his wings for me to pet,"To fully understand the war between the Darkness and Angelus you need to go back to the beginning of light and darkness. From darkness came light, as well as the rest of creation. When the light encroached and tried to force darkness into submission it gained a consciousness in the form of a sentient weapon, the Darkness. It can take many forms from simple shadows to my creeper heads," and the serpentine heads slide over my shoulders before sliding to Zoë.
My girlfriend lets the creepers nuzzle her arms and absently pets one while I keep talking,"Due to one of the ancient laws, everything in nature has to be balanced. Thus the Angleus was born as the first deity of the sun and light. The two are natural enemies due to their opposing elements and desire to plunge creation into the shadows or purge anything associated with darkness. Truthfully Angelus is the one who's done the most damage and who could cause the most fallout if she was to win."
I lift up a hand to quiet the protests,"Listen and then judge. I'm more in tune with the Darkness than any of my ancestors, another thing that's different when it comes to the two. The Darkness is passed down through the males of the Estacado family while the Angelus actively seeks out a female host. Now the two have a method of possession they use. Angelus just basically rapes their host's psyche and soul to force hers into place while Darkness possesses their hosts more and more as they use its power. It's like an addictive drug."
"Why don't you seem addicted then?"
I laugh,"The concept of addiction is lost on me because of Thrafsma's presence in my soul. I'm solely dependent on his presence and thus nothing else could cause me to become addicted to it. I could literally smoke cigarettes every day and be able to quit without experiencing withdrawal. Now, continuing with why I think Angelus is just a little more twisted than Darkness is. If she was to eradicate the Darkness completely she would then move on to anything associated with it or that has interacted with it. That includes humans and innocent creatures who have an affinity for darkness."
I finish speaking and wait for their responses until Jason shakes his head,"So, you're saying you're the lesser of two evils."
I frown,"I'm not evil. Dyrnwyn can only be utilized by a person with a pure heart and soul. Mine is just a little more shadowed than other people's. Besides, she's got Leo hostage. We can worry about how corrupt I am after this. For now you guys get some sleep. We're gonna make our move at dawn."
I growl at the hellhounds and they scatter while I set up a warming spell around us. I feel Zoë lean against me and my arm snakes around her shoulders. When I'm sure everybody is asleep I retract my arm and use the shadows to slip out from under Blackjack's wing. I wander away from the campsite and climb one of the trees surrounding me. From there I'm able to get a good look all around before placing two fingers against my temple to temporarily possess the man I flooded with magic. Everything is blurry at first but soon becomes crystal clear and I do a quick test. The arms do some basic movements and I make a fist with both hands before summoning my guns to my hands. They appear in a flash of darkness and I grin,"Sweet."
I casually stroll through the woods using the memories I picked up from consuming the man's soul until coming to a cave with runes etched into the sides of the rock wall.
A quick check with some magic shows they're suppressant runes for anything related to the Darkness. They briefly flare when I walk through the cave but don't hinder me in any way. Soon I'm deep inside the cave and the single path opens up into a man made cavern. I can hear shouting from one end along with tongues of flame shooting up and I Blink over but have to come to an abrupt stop. The loose gravel from my stop is pushed over the lip of a hewn pit and my eyes focus on the person cursing in greek and spanish before he looks up,"Oh, it's one of you."
I grin,"Hello Leo. Been a while since I've seen you."
He stares up at me before banging his head against the rock wall,"Oh great. I got a loony for a guard."
I feel a vein in my forehead throb and his,"Leo it's me, Percy!"
He ignores me but I continue,"The last time I saw you was when you and Gaea went up in flames on Festus."
His head snaps up,"It really is you. Have you seen Calypso?! She was with me a few days ago before some guys moved her!"
I'm a little shocked at the mention of Calypso but push past it,"No. I only noticed you because of the flames you were putting off."
He sighs and I feel the body I'm using start to decay,"Leo! I'm here with the rest of the seven and some other friends of mine, so just hold on. I need to know something though. The person who took you and Calypso, was it a woman wearing barely decent golden armor and two giant rams horns sticking out of her head?"
He nods,"Yeah. There was another girl too with a really funky looking cross symbol on her shoulder."
I mentally curse,"That just made things harder. Don't worry man you'll be out in a-" and a spear runs itself through the middle of my chest,"hurk!"
I nearly fall into the pit but catch my self and turn to see a face only familiar because of the Darknesses's memories,"Angelus."
I lay a hand on the spear and my palm starts to blister. I grunt and pull the spear out and the cooked remains of my hand opens to let it fall to the ground,"You know, that's the second time a goddess has planted a spear in my chest," and I snarl,"it was f****ing annoying enough the first time."
My eye drink in her form,"You haven't left your host. I can see gramps' girlfriend is still breathing."
The Angelus smirks,"She suits me well," and her face sets into a serious expression,"but I never expected my counterpart would pass on to a different bloodline."
I grin,"Sorry to disappoint sweetheart, but I'm just a walking corpse. I took a page from your book and forced my soul into this body."
I tilt my head to the side,"By now most of the Brotherhood members you had running around the woods have been butchered and their blood drained. Hope you aren't too comfortable in that body, because I'll rip you right out of it."
The body I'm possessing starts to loose feeling as the blood from my chest wound pools around its feet,"Bye bye little angel."
The body I'm using drops to the floor and my soul rushes through the angel, causing her to shudder at the cold feeling of Thanatos. My soul slams back into my body and I start while coughing harshly,"Man, never doing that again!"
The branch next to me trembles as a visitor crawls up after me and I scowl,"What do you want Athena spawn?"
Annabeth winces at the sheer venom in my voice and tries to reach for my arm but holds back and sighs,"Can we talk?"
I zoom in on a Brotherhood member and make a finger gun,"You can talk. I'll answer if I want to."
I take aim and fire off a bullet of pressurized air that pierces through the man's head and drop to the ground. A quick mental command to the darklings later and several of the creatures are gathered around the body with oversized syringes in their hands. Quickly sticking the needles into the body they drain him dry of blood and return back to the Darkness. Through this all Annabeth is talking before she notices I'm not paying attention and shoves me off my branch. My claws dig into the tree bark and stop my body from falling while I snarl,"What the heck woman?!"
She glares at me,"Why won't you even listen?!"
I feel my muscles clench and lean forward,"You want to know? I won't listen because I. Don't. Care. I don't care about anything you say because you're nothing in my mind! I want nothing more to kill you and all those demigods with you!"
I'm right in her face now and I feel my tattoos spreading over my face but she screams back,"Why can't you just accept that we're sorry?! We made a mistake and we're sorry!"
I pull back with a stony face,"I could forgive you for thinking I could become a true monster since it was going to happen either way. What I can't forgive is how easily everyone turned when they knew I would never hurt June. Hell, I'm one of the only people that befriended her and spent time with her outside you and your cabin! I can't forgive you for treating me like an animal and attempting to hunt me down like one!"
By now I'm yelling and small fires are bursting to life in my hair while the wind howls around us,"You want the friendly and caring Percy back. You want your boyfriend back. I'm going to tell you right now, you'll never get either of those things! The only thing of Percy Jackson left is this body I'm using. My human and godly blood is gone, replaced by the poison of Ladon and monster essence. My soul is divided into multiple parts sewn together to create a abomination. My morals are all pretty much gone and I revel in fighting and spilling blood. I'm not Percy Jackson. I'm telling you that my name is Perseus Estacado!"
I jump off the branch with my wings out and take off into the night sky,"Get some rest demigod. Tomorrow we're going to be visiting a being that can kill gods, and I won't save you if she singles you out."

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