A Run in with the Government

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Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts
Bold+Italics- Sword Technique

Whispers pierce the daze I'm in and my eyes crack open before shutting again to block out the light. I sit up and the whispers suddenly stop before I feel something wrapping around my body. I flex my arms but only my left arm is able to leave my side and move around freely. I finally open my eyes and notice I'm surrounded by girls of all ages and instantly close my eyes when I notice one important detail,"I saw nothing. I swear by all the gods I've done jobs for I saw nothing."
I feel the grip on me shift and loosen slightly and hear one of the women address me in Japanese before a blessing from Benzaiten translates it,"Who are you?"
I reply in fluent Japanese,"My name is Perseus. I was helping out a member of your race and found out about this place from a contact in the government. I got pretty mad when I found out an entire race was being bred and experimented on like cattle, so I kinda decided to see if I could get rid of this place."
I feel the grip around my body loosing strength until I can sit up and use Dark Vision so I only see the outlines of all the women around me and not their actual bodies. I feel a buzzing in the back of my head like a telephone and my mind latches onto the buzz,"Hello?"
I nearly jump when Thráfsma's voice blasts over our connection,"Finally! I don't know what you're doing boss, but we've got a problem where I'm at. I think I just found the guy who ran this place and....f***."
I cringe,"What's going on there?"
He sighs,"He was raping a woman when I found him. It looks like he may've raped six more women judging from the fact they were locked up in jail cells. I didn't kill him in case you want to look through his memories."
I mentally nod,"Thanks. Keep the link up so I can find you and I'll get down there after I send the Diclonius around me into The Darkness."
"Got it. Oh, one other thing. Don't get creeped out by the floating babies."
I pause for a moment,"The what?"
Thráfsma sighs,"You'll know when you see it."
I cut the link while Thráfsma is still plugged into my mind so as to give me a sort of radar to find him. I clap my hands together to get the attention of the whispering Diclonius in front of me,"My apologies if any of you ladies are afraid of the dark, but this is the only way I can transport and heal you all at the same time."
I spread my arms out and my shadow once more widens and stretches to cover the floor of the room,"When you wake up you'll all be in a safe place, far away from this country even. Goodnight."
The women fall through the floor with muffled shrieks and I feel multiple forces slam against my body that make me stumble back before the last girl sinks into my shadow. The creeper heads shriek at the empty spaces left by the women before I shush them and make my way towards Thráfsma. Eventually I get tired of walking and just decide to go straight down,"A little help Empathy?"
Both my arms become covered in blue scales and are surrounded by an energy bubble before I start punching the steel floor. The tough metal crumples like aluminum foil and within seconds I'm ten feet under the surface of the facility before the metal and stone foundation breaks open to show a hollow space. Before I even start to fall both creeper's lunge towards the ceiling and grab onto the pipes above us to lower me down. When I land my eyes scan the area and I can see a few tables that are being used and a needle ready to inject the occupants with a drug. The scientists working on the machines whirl around and I grin under my mask while pointing at them,"Surrender your hearts to me!"
The creepers rush forward with shrieks of glee before punching straight through the chest of the first two unfortunate scientists and repeat the process with the others in the room. When they return to me I can see a large bulge sliding down their necks and chastise them,"If you keep that up you'll choke one day."
They hiss at me and I roll my eyes,"Whatever. Deal with the Diclonius on the tables so we can get back to meeting up with Thráfsma."
The creepers easily slice through the restraints holding the Diclonius down and nudge them off the tables to fall into my outstretched shadow before I let myself continue downwards. My punches ring out through the empty facility like cannon fire as I go through maybe twenty more feet of rock before breaking through and land directly behind Thráfsma,"Yo."
He barely acknowledges me with a wave and directs me to the woman in front of him while I switch to Dark Vision so I can't see her nakedness,"This is the one being raped when I got here. This prick," and he kicks the white haired man in the side with enough force to launch him across the room and break bones,"is so lucky I didn't use him as fuel for my fire."
I feel the creeper heads hiss at the man and I snap at them,"Enough! This one is my kill! Send this one and the others in the cells outside here to the other Diclonius!"
The creepers nod and wrap around the pink haired woman in front of Thráfsma before gently dropping her into my shadow. While they do the same with the other women I place a hand on Thráfsma's shoulder,"Get back inside my soul. My body is nearly at its limit for the amount of time it can last without your soul being fused to mine."
Thráfsma doesn't complain as he becomes a torrent of fire that swirls around me before slamming against the empty handle in my left hand. A screeching sound fills the air as Dyrwyn's straight blade is restored shard by shard and Thráfsma's soul surges back into my own. I shudder when he clicks back into my soul and makes us complete again before straightening and glaring at the man Thráfsma punted across the room. He groans as he regains consciousness and looks around the room,"Good, you're awake."
He locks onto my six foot form and the two swords clutched in my hands before my creeper heads hiss to get his attention. He starts to back up before gasping in pain while I blur right in front of him and drive Excalibur through the wall near his head,"You're going to tell me exactly what you were doing to those Diclonius, or, with my master as my witness, I'll erase your very existence."
He nods and looks up to meet my blood red eyes,"I-I was experimenting on the Diclonius to make them stronger. The human race is weak and isn't worthy to be in control of this world so I hoped the Diclonius we would eventually be able to create could replace humanity."
My eyes narrow,"You sought to achieve a dream through the pain of innocents? Even if I agree that the humans are too flawed to be the majority there's nothing to be done about it."
The man lunges forward,"You're wrong!"
I turn my body so he lands on the floor and he gets up while sweat drips down his face,"The Diclonius are capable of such a thing! Even if they aren't able to do so right now, my experiments will ensure the next generation is unstoppable! And when they eventually do take over I'll be hailed as their god!"
He pulls a pistol from the inside of his coat and shoots at me,"Now die to the God of Diclonius!"
He starts shooting but the bullets ricochet off the hardened skin possessed by Thráfsma's form while I raise Excalibur above my head,"You're too weak to kill a being such as myself. Fall to the my Excalibur! Invincible Sword:" and I swing it down to create a 90 degree angle,"Dragon Rush!"
The air in the room seems to still before it picks up in a howl before settling once more as I store Excalibur and Dyrwyn in my shadow. The moment Excalibur's handle leaves my hand the area in front of me explodes and creates a cloud of stone dust. When the dust settles a clean line is carved through the wall and all the way through the facility so I can see the water surrounding the island. The head of the man I was talking to is embedded in the ground with no other parts of his body left from my attack. My left arm activates Soul Touch and it latches onto the spirit floating in front of me with help from Dark Vision before I drag the whole thing into my mouth and bite down on it with a mouth full of canines. I can feel Thráfsma and Empathy sifting through the memories I gained by consuming the soul while I try to relieve the pounding in my head. Eventually I give up on trying to ease the headache just as Empathy speaks up,"Perseus. We've found everything important that we can use. I'd advise going back to the garden now or home so we can get the Diclonius settled in."
I'm ready to do just that and my body is already halfway through my shadow when Thráfsma speaks up,"We can't go yet. There's still those unborn Diclonius above us along with that prick's daughter. It'd be cruel to leave them in an empty facility."
Empathy speaks before I do,"That would be an unwise course of action. You heard that lunatic, those Diclonius being artificially born will be even stronger than any of the ones we saved. Most of those had enough power to slaughter a small squadron of cyclops easily. And if we took that man's daughter with us it should be like keeping a live grenade with us, always waiting for the explosion. At this point death would be more merciful for both parties."
Thráfsma explodes on Empathy,"HOW DARE YOU!!! Who told you you could be the judge, jury, and executioner for those innocent souls!?"
Empathy speaks in a calm voice,"I'm merely stating the facts of the matter."
Thráfsma fumes,"F*** the facts! I can feel the souls above us are fully formed, and that girl's feels pure! To knowingly destroy them would make us no better than what the Olympians did to Perseus!"
I shut down my link to them and I look down at my clawed hand while making a fist. I walk out the room and up the stairs with my course of action in mind.

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