A Darkened Leaf

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I appear in The Crossroads with a sleeping child in my arms. The floating rocks groan as they crash against each other to form a path under my feet. I continue my walk as I approach one of the old places where people would worship Lord Outsider and the child snuggles into my body. I look down and see the Darkness bubbling just below the stones. A lone tendril emerges from the substance and loosely wraps around my wrist so I can pet it. When I do the bubbles increase in frequency and number before a massive head breaks the surface. A combination of a octopus and leviathan stares at me while it purrs and I grin,"Good Cthulhu. You like your new home?"
It lets out a low warble and nods its head,"Good. If you need anything changed just think of it and it'll happen. For now though I need you to do something for me."
Its attention is fully on me now,"There's an island near Tokyo, a research facility. I need you to create a tsunami or a sea quake to destroy it. Can you do that for me?"
It huffs out before unwrapping the tendril around my wrist so it can sink into the Darkness and vanish.
"I'm still surprised you managed to tame that creature."
I look over at my master and he elaborates,"He's like Kampé, one of the first monsters to ever exist. I remember it was powerful enough to garner Chaos's attention, and his fear."
I scoff,"The first Cthulhu was, but this one is only powerful enough to actually fight Poseidon in the sea and win. Time has long since thinned their kind and the purity of the blood in their veins."
The Outsider bows his head to concede our discussion in my favor before he looks to the child in my arms and flexes his power,"Why have you brought a human before me?"
Said girl squirms until I loosen my own power to counter my master's as I answer his question,"Her father was experimenting on Diclonius, a female humanoid monster."
The Outsider cuts to the chase,"You killed him."
I nod,"Indeed. To be experimented on and then killed....I let him explain why and annihilated him."
My master's lips twitch to form the shadow of a grin,"Good. Trash like that is only good for killing. Why leave the man's spawn alive then?"
I look him in the eyes,"Her soul is still pure, still innocent of evil. I want you to erase any memories and relation to her father and replace it with my experiences and DNA."
My master chuckles,"You still continue to surprise me. I will do what what you're asking for, but I have a job for you."
He waves his hand and a hologram of China appears in front of me,"There are many things the Chinese deities are hiding from you. This is one such thing. Watch closely my chosen."
I do as he asks and the hologram zooms in on an expanse of destroyed temples and symbols carved into the ground. As the image zooms in more I notice one circle is glowing a faint blue and my mouth goes dry,"A pocket dimension?"
My master nods gravely,"This is how the Chinese gods amuse themselves. The dimension is bound to another world called The Elemental Nations."
My head shoots up,"You mean like in Naruto?!"
My master nods,"I see you know of the series written by that oracle."
My mind is spinning,"Oracle?! Now that I think about it though, it is possible for life to exist in different dimensions. But still, you're telling me the manga people read is actually telling them the future of that dimension?!"
The Outsider nods,"That is correct. Not everything in those books will happen though. He censored and switched out events to make it more entertaining. The Chinese gods want a 'Child of Prophecy' to manipulate, like you."
My eyes narrow as a snarl tears itself from my throats and my master nods,"I can see you're ready to butcher the ones responsible. You can not," and my lips pull back to show a mouth full of canines and my master's eyes flash,"You will not. You are to retrieve Naruto Uzumaki and bring him to me. It's time for you to take on an apprentice that can represent me if you're busy. Do you understand?"
I reluctantly nod and my master steps off his throne and appears in front of me,"Look at me, my chosen."
I do and his eyes are as angry as mine while his lips are pressed into a white line,"I understand that you wish to destroy the ones who would damn a child to such a fate, I do as well. However if there's one thing I learned during my feud with Chaos and Eternity it is this; revenge is something that can last for millennia. Wait until you have an opportunity to strike out."
He places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze before letting go,"Off with you. I will alter the girl as you wish, and personally leave her in Zoë's care. Now go."
I bow at the waist,"Yes master."
I activate my mark to access my master's knowledge and get the location of the dimensional portal before sinking into my shadow.
I emerge in front of the portal and approach it while dispelling the curses protecting it with my own magic. I enter the portal and end out on the top of the Hokage Monument, right on the first's head. I close my eyes and they shoot open with Dark Vision active to find the jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox. The two orbs rotate in their sockets while I become more concerned with each second,"Come on kid, where are you?"
My eyes suddenly latch onto an inferno of crimson energy mixed with blue,"Gotcha."
My wings stretch out and I latch onto Thráfsma for a full transformation, deciding to go for the overall strength buff he gives me,"Sorry Empathy, I promise I'll use your form soon."
I don't get a response but feel the dragon's irritation of being cooped up too long. I lift off while Thráfsma's form becomes my own and I'm in a full transformation in scant seconds with my mask on. I follow the beacon of chakra and see my objective surrounded by ninja and civilians with anger clear on their faces and weapons in their hands. I cast a spell to make the sky fill with thunder clouds and a spell to charge them to max capacity. I drop at an angle and land behind the boy a second after a knife lodges itself in his chest. He stumbles back in shock and lightning illuminates the whole area as I roar.
A figure darts past the boy and towards the shinobi in front of him as a bolt of lightning reveals a creature with spines, a tail, and two glowing red eyes. The civilians scream in terror as the beast rips into a shinobi and tears him in half. Kunai and shuriken ricochet off the beast's skin while an orb of black energy gathers in his mouth,"Cero!"
Half the shinobi and all civilians present are killed in the blast with the rest darting away. The remaining shinobi take up positions all around the beast and Naruto while weaving hand signs,"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"
Multiple fireballs explode forward and the beast holds a hand out while his shadow quivers. A sword leaps into his hand and explodes into its own blaze,"Eat up Dyrwyn!"
The fire from the sword consumes the fireballs and the beast grins before swinging the sword over his head and brings it down,"Burn motherf*****!"
The entire area is bathed in flame and screams as the hungry fire cooks the shinobi alive while Perseus laughs,"Revenge for picking on a kid!"
When he's satisfied the flames lift off the ground and spiral through the air before sealing themselves back in Dyrwyn. The sword vanishes in his shadow and the beast turns to the child behind him before he notices he's not breathing,"F***!"
The beast dashes over to the child and extends a claw until he's touching the skin above the chest wound before channeling a minor healing kido through the limb to make the tip glow a soft blue,"Hang in there kid. I'll have you healed up in no time."
He moves the claw over the wound and seals it shut to prevent any more blood from being lost. The sealed wound glows red before the skin is colored to match the rest of Naruto's body and leave no trace of a scar. Perseus curls himself around the boy's tiny frame to drive off the night's chill and waits for the presence he's expecting,"Took you long enough, Sarutobi Hiruzen."
The old man glares at me while his hands twitch,"If you hurt the, boy so help me!"
Perseus chuckles,"On the contrary, I killed the ones who tried to hurt the boy. I was sent by my master to retrieve the boy and train him."
The aged human's eyes narrow,"Your master?"
Perseus nods while showing the human his mark,"My master found me when my gods betrayed me. He gave me the power to protect myself and deliver vengeance. This boy," and his tail caresses Naruto's face,"Is to be my apprentice. As one who knows what is means to suffer, he will become strong so others don't suffer the same fate."
The beast climbs onto its hind legs and his neck bends unnaturally to look the old man in the eyes,"I can see you care for the boy, and won't willingly let him leave. Am I correct?"
The old man nods and the beast smiles as he shrinks down and assumes his human form,"I can appreciate that sort of protectiveness. I need to train him though."
I grin at the old man's shocked expression,"What? You assumed that was my only form right?"
Naruto stirs from his spot on the ground and I pick him up while Hiruzen tenses and I roll my eyes,"Relax old man. Even if this kid wasn't going to be my apprentice, I don't hurt children. Now, which way to the hospital?"
The old man finally relaxes and takes off onto a nearby roof,"Keep up."
I jump after him and run alongside him until we both jump down in front of a building with the character for 'Medicine' on it. As soon as I step inside I can feel a wall of bloodlust slam into me,"Friendly place isn't it?"
Hiruzen glares at the surrounding people and the bloodlust is lessened significantly, except for some of the bolder masked ninja in the area. I place a hand on the old man's shoulder,"Allow me."
My bloodlust floods the area and practically wraps around the foolish ninja. The shiver and my eyes travel over them, occasionally flashing pure red. Hiruzen gets Naruto set up with a room and once we're inside it I place a hand on the doorframe to create an almost invisible barrier that covers the whole room. I lower my hand and turn to the old man,"Now we can talk in peace. I know you have questions, and I'll answer as many as possible."
The old man turns his eyes onto me with more power than I've ever seen in a human,"First, what do you actually look like?"
I chuckle and wave my hand over my mask, dissolving it until my real face is revealed with Thráfsma's tattoos wrapping around my face,"I think I look quite handsome without my mask. The tattoos are only visible when I use a special ability of mine. A Kekkei Genkai if you will."
The old man's eyes widen,"If that's true then what clan do you come from?"
I grimace,"I have no clan as of this moment. Where I came from I was cast out for possessing this power. I'm the only one who has manifested this ability and rather than trying to understand that I was unchanged, my family turned against me. Please ask another question as I find the current topic to be rather depressing."
The old man's eyes soften with sympathy,"Of course. Who are you?"
I look him straight in the eyes,"My name is Perseus. My titles include: Chosen of The Outsider. Host of The Darkness. Monster Slayer. Espada. Manslayer. Next question?"
"What are you?"
"I am the only one of my kind, thus I refer to myself as an Abomination. My only purpose to live, is perhaps just to defy the fate I was given. Anything else?"
"Why are you so interested in Naruto?"
I show him the back of my hand and will my mark to glow,"This mark is a symbol of loyalty to my master. He only selects a vassal once every few centuries, and I was fortunate enough to be chosen this time around. However since I cannot be everywhere at once, he's directly told me to train the boy in exchange for a personal favor."
The old man sighs,"I see," and his face goes through a number of expressions. Concern, doubt, and finally a hopeful look,"Will he have to leave the village?"
I nod,"I think it would be best if he trained outside this place. If I can train him I assure you that I will bring him back a few times a month. I can sense you are concerned for both the boy and the fox in his gut."
The old man's eyes widen before narrowing dangerously as his KI rises slowly,"How do you know?"
I grin and rest my head on the knuckles of my left hand,"My master sees all, and so do I. The concealed comes to light when I wish. It also helps my eyes can see raw energy, and the red in the kid's gut sticks out like a sore thumb."
The old man sighs and his KI goes down,"He will get away from here? He'll be with people who will care for him?"
"He'll be with people society has rejected. I know for a fact he'll relate to some new arrivals I took away from their tormentors. I'm assuming my answer has helped you make your decision?"
The old man nods and pats Naruto's arm,"Yes. You may train him, as long as he's away from this place. Get going and get away before the council forces their ninja to stop you."
I pick the boy up like I would Zoë and drop into my shadow before appearing where the dimensional portal is. I give the village one last look and then gaze down at the child in my arms,"You're really gonna love your new home kid. I know Zoë is gonna love you."
I tear the dimensional portal open with one clawed hand and step through the portal when I remember,"Crap. How am I gonna explain I've got a new daughter?"

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