Not So Happy Reunion

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"I don't want to beat you. I just really want to hurt you."~ Perseus
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

This isn't happening. I'm hallucinating. Yeah that's it, I'm asleep and this is a dream! I punch my face as hard as I can and get a split lip,"F***!"
Okay, I'm not dreaming. That begs the question though,"Beck, how are you here. No, how are you alive?!"
He smiles sheepishly,"Ah, that's kind of a long story. Can I come in?"
I'm about to when a second sonic boom slams into the shield and a girl's voice groans,"Oh Chaos, my head."
Beckendorf helps the girl up and her hood falls down to show another familiar face,"Silena?!"
The two come into the barrier and we sit down on the grass closest to the edge,"Okay. Talk."
Beckendorf scratches the back of his head,"Where should I start?"
My voice has a dry tone to it,"How about when you died?"
Silena chuckles a bit,"Of course. When we died we drifted through Elysium for a while before Chaos approached us and offered us a chance to live again as his soldiers. For the past year we've been assigned to different parts of the Milky Way to resolve problems outside our solar system. Recently though the boss has been going on about a new recruit that was supposed to join us. You were supposed to join us and some others, Percy."
I'm stunned for a few seconds before recovering my wits,"He should've made a move sooner then. I'm already The Outsider's chosen one."
Silena nods,"We already heard, and Chaos is furious about it. He called us all together to make an announcement. He wants you to join Percy, dead or alive."
I shift my legs a little bit and the scabbards for Excalibur and Dyrwyn rest in a position so I can draw both swords,"Why doesn't it matter if I'm one or the either?"
Beckendorf sighs,"Because when one of the champions of The Outsider dies their mark is removed to prevent the theft of the residual energy. If you're dead he can just revive you and Eternity can make you join their forces. If you're alive though he can just erase the mark and do the same thing too."
By now I'm slowly sliding both swords out of their sheaths,"I'm really hoping you're not thinking to try and follow that order."
I snap my wings open and propel myself back when the two suddenly lunge at me and land ten feet away,"You've gotta be kidding me."
The two look at me apologetically and Silena talks as the two draw their weapons,"Sorry Perce, but this is for your own good. The Outsider is a being who does things just for his own amusement. He isn't to be trusted."
I snort,"I know all that, but he gave me the power to protect myself when those da**** Olympians condemned me! He approached me and gave me a purpose when I had none! I won't let you, Chaos, or anyone else force me to do anything! I control my own fate!"
Beckendorf sighs before lifting a war hammer easily,"So be it." and lunges for me.
I jump back again and then jump straight up when Silena tries to slice at my torso with a spear. My wings carry me above them as I fully draw Excalibur and Dyrwyn and unleash their power. Ice creeps over Excalibur and the wind fuels Dyrwyn's fire to make it look like a miniature sun as I dive down and swing both swords at the ground in front of my dead friends to kick up a dirt cloud. In the cloud I activate Dark Vision and slice towards Beckendorf with Dyrwyn while swinging Excalibur in an arc to send shards of ice flying towards Silena to stall her. War hammer and sword clash in a show of sparks as neither seem to demonstrate any damage. We break apart and push off the ground to slam our weapons together again as the face of my dead friend stares at me,"We're doing this for your own good. You have to believe us!"
I feel my monster side emerging as I snarl at him with a mouthful of sharpened teeth,"Kinda hard to believe that since you're trying to kill me."
My biker jacket takes a blow from the back and I stumble forward as Beckendorf swings his hammer into my chest and break a few ribs. I fly back and crash next to Ladon,"Need help?"
I spit a mouthful of blood to the side and wipe the rest away while mentally shouting,"They're all mine!"
I stumble to my feet and place a hand over the barrier marker on the tree. Power trickles back into me and heals my ribs to the point where it only hurts to breathe and doesn't burn before I take my hand off to avoid draining the barrier. I stab Excalibur into the earth and bring my free hand over my face to summon my mask and put it on as my eyes are influenced by my monster side to make the eyeholes glow red. I hear the two approaching the tree and my jacket becomes a trench coat as I sheathe both swords and draw the new collapsible blade I got off Hercules with my right hand. The blade shoots out and the metal seems to glow white as my mark pulses with it. When the two finally reach me they get into stances as Silena pleads with me,"You can just stop this! Just surrender and this'll be a lot easier for all of us!"
I feel the charmspeak trying to work and throw it off as I feel my body transform into its monster state. My muscles grow slightly and tattoos cover the back of my left hand while my right hand is covered in golden veins emerging from my mark. My voice now sounds downright menacing as I extend my aurora,"I refuse! I will not be chained to a being who is so selfish and petty to try anything like this!" and the wind whips up around me,"Get ready, because here I come!"
I blur into a Blink and reappear in front of them with my new weapon cutting into Beckendorf with no resistance. He retreats to check and pulls his hand away to show red staining his palm as I race for them again and slice for him again. Silena quickly blocks me and my tattoo from Ladon squirms and writhes like it's alive. I ignore it and shove Silena away and duck under the passing hammer before striking out with my left fist. My dragon tattoo squirms down the left side of my body as my fist buries itself in Beckendorf's chest and knocks him back just in time to sidestep Silena and swing down with my new sword as the blade seems to shine brighter and easily cut through the shaft of the spear and slice into the girl's side and send her rolling to the side. That seems to infuriate Beckendorf because the next thing I know I'm being crushed into the earth with an enormous pressure on my chest,"You son of a b****!"
The weight lifts to show him standing above me as he's brings his hammer down again. I quickly move my left hand without thinking as my dragon tattoo peeks over the edge of my sleeve and my entire left arm is covered in cobalt blue scales with white centers. My scaled hand collides with the hammer and the hammer is blasted away with a sound like cannon fire before I add more power to my left arm as the open palm lands against Beckendorf's body. It rests there for a second before a circle blasts around my palm and launches Beckendorf into the air while stunning him. I quickly flip my body up and cock my left arm back in a fist as he falls and slam the full force of my punch into his stomach when he's level with me. The air seems to crack somehow and the shards slide as blood explodes from the victim's mouth. The ground under us cracks until it slams into the barrier and stops while making the barrier flicker violently. My arm follows through as Beckendorf seems to fly away from me like a meteor and slams into the barrier. I stand in shock for a second before hunching over as the energy toll finally sets in with the unhealed injuries. The two seem to fade away and I smirk as the world darkens at the corners of my vision,"My win." and fall unconscious on the ground.
In my mind a figure crouches next to me and reveals a replica of me in my monster form,"Nice job handling them!"
I groan as I sit up and look at my duplicate,"Thanks. I'm guessing you're the persona that was created when Gaea cursed me?"
He smiles,"Yep! You already named me so that's no problem! But with that newest transformation your body has exceeded the amount of power it can handle. You won't be able to use all three of those powers at once anytime soon. H***, your body can barely tolerate using The Outsider's power with our monster form!"
I groan as I cover my face,"That's just f****** great! I got all this power and I can't use it! When will I be able to use all three?!"
The other me chuckles,"Not until you learn all our names. The Japanese god of death, Shinigami, created a whole society based on souls wielding special weapons or zanpakuto. These swords are sentient and have two names that unlock the initial release and final release of their power. We're the same except we have three names. One for my power, another for my power mixed with Lord Outsider's power, and a final release where all three of your special powers can be used. You already have two names under your belt. You do know what they are?"
I nod,"Yeah. Thráfsma and," a name appears in my head,"Moíra Kófti, Fate Cutter."
The other me claps,"Good. Good!"
I start to fade and he waves to me,"Seems like you're waking up. We'll talk again, you can bet on it!"
I awake to see Ladon's heads staring down at me,"You alright hatchling?"
I nod and verbally reply,"I'm okay now." and realize what I just said,"Who?"
"Me mister."
S***. I turn around to see a very angry Zoë as she taps her foot on the grass,"What the actual h*** happened when I was asleep?! The garden looks like a war zone! And why does it look like an earthquake went through here?!"
I sigh as I take my mask off and start explaining. By the time I'm done Zoë is looking at me with shock as she digests what I told her. While she's still processing I set to fixing the area and cause a minor earthquake to fix the cracks and feel the connection to that part of me is stronger in my left arm. I focus and the scales reappear and my hand opens to show skin between the fingers,"Ahhh, I was wondering when that would manifest."
I look over at Ladon and lift my left hand up,"You mean this? What is this anyway?"
Ladon chuckles,"Why the left hand of a dragon of course. However I never expected the source tattoo to bond with your earthquake abilities. As it stands your left arm is capable of cracking even the air in that state!"
I grin as I let my arm go back to normal and make a fist,"Nice. This explains why my punches were so much stronger."
I turn back in time to get an earful from Zoë about fighting in the garden and relax for the talk.
The Outsider watches from his dimension and smiles narrowly,"Well done Percy. Well done making this much more entertaining for me."
He looks down at a chessboard and moves his queen piece to knock over two knight pieces,"Your move Chaos."

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