Prepare for Battle

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"Beware the dark pool at the bottom of our hearts. In its icy, black depths dwell strange and twisted creatures it is best not to disturb."~ Susan Grafton
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

Everything was quiet on Olympus until a silver flash lit the room and faded to show Artemis on her knees while ichor poured from between her arms. In a flash Apollo is at her side and pries her arms from her stomach to show a gash that has almost cut her in half bleeding precious ichor. As he heals he growls,"Who did this?! Who hurt my sister?!?"
Artemis places a hand on her brother's arm and faintly says,"Perseus did, with Orion's help. He could've killed us all if he wanted but he to make us afraid of him and let me leave. I'm sorry but we couldn't do anything to stop him."
Apollo shushes her as he finishes healing her stomach wound with great difficulty and he's covered in sweat when he finishes. Zeus looks at Artemis and asks,"Daughter you said that the monster had help from Orion, how? Orion was killed and sentenced to Tartarus!"
Artemis shakes her head,"I don't know. All I know is that he placed his hands on the ground while saying that he summoned Orion from the depths of Tartarus. The grass around him turned black before skeletons and Orion burst from the earth and helped him subdue us. They wanted to kill us but he held them back. I tried to go after him but when I tried he slashed me with his claws and I have a feeling he could've killed me then and there but he held back. That's all I can say."
Everyone is quiet until a hellhound bounds out of the shadows and leaves a note in front of Poseidon before vanishing in another shadow. Poseidon picks it up and reads it before his face goes white and his hands are shaking as he passes the note to Athena. She reads it out loud,"That was your last warning Olympians. Send anybody after me and all you will find of them is a corpse, god or demigod. Personally I hope you send the rest of the Seven after me so I have a chance to repay them for being such great friends. That was sarcasm by the way Ares." and the god of war yells,"That punk!!" before Athena continues,"If you're wondering about how I was able to summon the dead and a giant, well let's say I did a little reading. Artemis this next part is for you. When you left to go inform your girls about tracking me Zeus said and I quote,"I don't care what it takes to secure the boy, but we will have him no matter if we have to sacrifice something in return."
She falters before continuing,"He didn't care about your safety or the safety of your girls, not even Thalia. He assumed I would kill you and the only reason I didn't is because I wanted to prove him wrong. You're welcome. Your time to catch me is gone Olympians, I'm in Alaska now and you can only catch me through your children. Before you send them though know that I can kill the with a snap of my fingers, and I will not hesitate to kill."
Laughter can be heard all throughout the room as the voice of Perseus Jackson says,"What do you think? Very nice note I wrote isn't it? It's one of my best threats."
Zeus roars,"Perseus show yourself!"
The laughter slowly dies down and there is silence before a voice speaks next to Zeus's ear,"Boo."
The king of the gods jumps into the air as a black image of Perseus flickers into existence and rapidly moves to sit next to Hestia, startling her. He laughs a little and says,"Calm down Aunt Hestia, I won't do anything to you. Truth be told your the only god that I trust out of these idiots. You should visit sometime, be nice to talk with you and June wants to meet you."
He moves his hand towards Zeus and then becomes a black blur that races towards him, stopping a foot in front of his face, and quietly asks,"Do you know what happens when you betray a hero with the flaw of loyalty?"
Zeus shakes his head no and Percy blurs before appearing on Athena's shoulder,"What about you Athena? I know you have the answer so speak."
He clenches his hand in a fist and Athena gasps before stuttering,"H-His f-fatal flaw turns to agghh! Turns to h-hate!"
Percy unclenches his hand and says,"Well done Athena. You seem to be the only child of this moron who has some actual brain power, shame your children don't!"
Athena's eyes flash before she bellows,"At least they're smart enough to know that you're trash!!"
Percy's eyes flash red before he makes a fist and slams it in his open palm. Athena screams and keels over as he grinds his hand into his palm and he whispers,"You are wrong wisdom goddess. You think I was that idiotic?! That was just me playing with you so Annie would feel smarter! I'm actually very calculating and exceptional when it comes to using my mind, unlike some blondes I know. I wonder what Camp Jupiter would say if I payed them a visit? Would they shun the Greeks for betraying a former praetor? Or will they hunt me? Ah so many choices to make and so many outcomes. Now I see why Janus enjoys this so much, it's fun messing in the lives of people when they make choices! Death and life, life and death. Two powerful forces of nature and now I hold the secret to escape death! Find me if you can, because I assure you, you won't." and suddenly his eyes take on a haunted look,"Tick tock Olympians. Tick tock your time is running out to find me. Soon I will seek out The Outsider and soon I will hold the power to either save you in a war or bring you to your knees in chains. Tick tock, tick tock the clock is running. Seek me and you seek to encounter death itself. Tick tock, tick tock."
His voice fades as the image flickers out before Poseidon rests his head in his hands and sobs,"What have we done? What did we do to make him.... this?!"
The flames of the hearth roar into the air and Hestia coldly says,"You all broke him. You broke him in the worst way, destroying his fatal flaw. You can't do anything to reverse that much damage, and neither could I. Even with the power of hope I couldn't even try to fix Perseus since his heart barely has any feeling left. If we go after him I fear we could be signing a death warrant for us."
Athena looks at her aunt in approval,"Indeed. Who knows what powers he's developed now in addition to his earthquakes."
Everyone is quiet for a bit before Zeus asks,"Daughter how powerful would you estimate Perseus to be in his current state?"
Athena closes her eyes for a bit before saying,"Given the fact he beat Ares when he was younger while barely using his powers, holding up the sky, and that he faced Kronos in swordplay, I'd say he would be able to defeat most of the minor gods without using his powers. But if he uses his powers I think he could overcome even Poseidon with brute force."
Everyone pales at her analysis and a echo of bitter laughter rings through the room. That seems to make something snap in Zeus because he roars,"Dionysus go to camp and tell the demigods to arm themselves for battle against a powerful monster. Artemis, inform the Romans that they will go with us into battle. We ourselves will enter Alaska and we will capture Perseus Jackson!"
I'll put of my trance and smile to myself. This will be much more interesting than I thought. I walk out of the house to see June going up against Orion with hunting knives in each hand while Bob watches with Small Bob perched on his shoulder. Orion disarms June with a flick of his wrist and grabs one of her knives since it landed next to her and offers the hilt to her while explaining what went wrong,"That was good for a beginner but we have to work on your flexibility and speed before I can teach you some maneuvers. I'm done here for now. See ya tomorrow June."
He walks off towards his apartment and I grab his arm as he passes me,"They're going to be paying us a visit soon. In one week it'll be opening day for hunting season, but don't hurt the Romans if you can help it. Spread the word to meet at Hubard Glacier."
He nods before trudging off into town, no doubt to inform everyone of a attack while I turn to Bob and ask,"You gonna participate, or stay out of this one?"
He thinks for a moment before saying,"I'll fight if it comes to it, but I know Damasen won't."
I nod my head, expecting that answer from my friend. June asks if she can fight me so I walk over while my lion skin morphs into its trench coat form and I uncap Riptide while extending my claws from my left hand since June is going to be using both her swords. She taps her bracelets to make Destroyer and Earth Shaker appear in her hands and her armor totally covers her. We get into our stances, her with one blade held high while the other is three inches parallel with the ground and my arms are limp at my sides. She lunges for me but my loose muscles suddenly become rock solid as my claws intercept Earth Shaker while Riptide parries Destroyer away from me and into the ground. I try to aim a kick at her chest but she spins away and brings both her swords towards my side only to have Riptide catch both with the flat of its blade. I shove both swords away from me while my claws extend further to position themselves one finger to a pressure point that could kill a person if a object was to spear the sensitive nerves under the skin. She sighs in defeat and I smile a little,"Good form for dual wielding. We need to work on speed and not giving the enemy any ideas to your next move, but all in all very good this time."
She sinks to the ground and groans,"I'll never get this! The only reason I beat the drakon is because of the power Earth Shaker has!"
I look at her sternly,"True. But you called the power to the surface and used it flawlessly on your first try. Powers are important, but you need the ability to use it properly through training."
She nods and I ruffle her hair which just bounces back into its brown curls. We both go inside soon after since it's dinner time and she helps me get the spaghetti and meatballs ready. She asks me the same question she's asked me every night,"So when are you gonna head out to find The Outsider? Are you sure he still exists, I mean gods can't die but the can fade right?"
I look at her and hold up my right hand to show her the symbol branded into the skin,"I'm sure he still exists. How else would I have this? I feel something drawing me to it, like a old friend that needs help, and I just can't ignore it. After the fight next week I'm leaving Alaska to find him, no matter how long it takes me".
She has a glum look on her face and I wipe away some sauce that splashed on her forehead,"Don't worry I'll still talk to you in your dreams as often as I can. Now come on, let's finish this meal so we can eat!"
She laughs and we enjoy a good dinner of spaghetti while that feeling keeps poking at me, drawing me to it. Soon I will try to find it, very soon.

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