The Battle of Hubbard pt2

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"There comes a time in life when you must overcome your monster, or surrender to it."~ Krios530
Bold- Power/Voice change
Italics- Thoughts

I'm watching the skeleton warriors I summoned with pride. Nico is trying to reign them in but I shout,"That won't work oh Ghost King! These warriors answer to me, and me alone!"
Nico keeps trying until he's forced to defend himself and I decide to intervene. I teleport over to him and say,"This one is mine. Go help the others, and Orion if he needs it."
The skulls nod before jogging off and I get a glimpse of the monsters under my control utterly destroying the campers. Many are too wounded to fight and the rest are tiring swiftly while their opponents are only receiving minor wounds. I turn back to Nico and give him my best wolf glare while stalking forward with Riptide in my hand. I hold my hand out at my side and the water under the ice flows into it and fashions itself into a sword before freezing solid. I swing it experimentally a few times before rushing towards my former friend with a smile on my face. He barely raises his sword in time to block my ice sword and I use the seconds we're locked together to kick him straight in the chest. I hear a few ribs break and he rolls before getting to his feet and grips his side. I slowly advance towards him while taunting him,"Is that the best you've got? I expected a little competition from a child of he big three. Apparently I was wrong in assuming that. I wonder what Bianca would say if she was to see you now?"
That gets him because the temperature drops and he sprints for me while slashing with controlled and precise movements. I dodge them easily and when he slashes again I grab his wrist and pull him close before stabbing Riptide through his shoulder. He yells and I pull my sword out of him before cracking him upside the head with the hilt. He crumples to the ground and Hazel screams,"Nico!" before she and Frank run over to her brother.
She glares at me while hefting her spatha and I smirk at her while swinging my swords all around my body,"Bring it Levesque."
She screams before swinging at me with impressive speed and I have to go on the defensive for a while. Her arms are getting tired and her strokes are getting slower so I decide to end this and stomp my foot on the ice. Spikes shoot out of the ice and trap her before one is shoved in her stomach and she screams in pain while coughing up blood. Before I can even think a rhino slams into me and sends me flying along with bruising some of my ribs. Frank tries to charge me again but I catch his horn and am pushed back a few meters before I manage to stop him and state,"A pound of my enhanced muscles is more than equal to five pounds of human muscle Frank. Now it's my turn to play throw the animal!"
I lift him and throw him 20 meters. In midair he changes into a eagle and flies above me before becoming a peregrine falcon and dives for me. My mark glows before the winds whip up and throw him into a snowdrift that I freeze into a ice cage. I mutter,"Three down, three to go."
I turn to see everybody has made a rough circle around me with spear tips bristling as they slowly get closer. I try using the water but I see Poseidon fighting me for it so I abandon the idea and just slam a fist into the ice. Cracks spread out because I used my earth quake powers and extend to everyone around me. I notice my skeleton warriors sneaking up behind them and keep their attention on me as they move forward by yelling,"Not another step! Not unless you all want to experience severe hypothermia!!"
They all stop when I say that and suddenly my skeletons spring into them, slashing and downing campers. Suddenly one is blasted with a lighting bolt and crumbles to ashes while I try to find the source of the bolt. I lock onto Jason as he stands on a outcropping about three hundred feet straight up. I race towards the vertical wall and jump as high as I can to make it half way up and sink my claws into the ice. I growl as I easily climb up and Jason yells,"Fire!"
Archers appear on the ridge and fire arrows down at me, where neither my scales or my armor covers me. I quickly imagine the wind blowing the arrows back at them and The Outsider's mark glows as the winds pick up and the arrows stop before turning and fly back up the wall. They hit the surprised Romans and they cry out as they fall back onto the ledge with arrows sticking in different places. I brace myself against the wall before jumping again and land on the ledge. Orion is next to me and he's covered in wounds that are rapidly closing, but not fast enough. I look at him,"Trade?"
He huffs,"Sure. Bob should be around if you need help, along with your mutt."
I nod and he jumps off the ledge while using his hunting knives to descend in a controlled manner. I watch him until he reaches the bottom before whistling and tossing down my ice sword. It grows as it falls and the tip sticks in front of him. He nods gratefully at me before grabbing the hilt and yanking it out of the ice while charging forward towards the remaining demigods. I face Jason while detaching my armor and let it shrink down to a square piece of fabric that I stuff in my pocket. I pocket Riptide as well and let my claws extend to a foot long while making small talk,"Shall we finish what we started in Kansas?"
He frowns,"Percy, come on man stop this. This isn't you. Everybody is sorry for what we've done."
I snort at that,"Oh really? Then why did you come up here to fight me. Your father doesn't even care if I kill some of you, only that in the end I'm a weapon for war. I'm tired of doing the god's dirty business Jason, and you won't convince me otherwise. You want to see what you did to me? I'll show you."
I lift up my shirt so he sees the burns and scars from the beating the campers gave me and he looks at the ground in shame. I use that moment to make a water trident and take two steps before hurling it at him. He dodges but I still manage to cut him deeply into his left side. He struggles to his feet as his body is losing a lot of blood and I hiss,"You broke me! You all broke me in the worst way!! You even changed my fatal flaw to hatred, hatred for those who hurt me!"
I rush him while doing a tight spin and my claws tear his shirt and the skin on his chest. He stumbles back and I knee him in the gut to make him double over, giving me the perfect time to stomp down on his right shin. It snaps with minimal difficulty and he screams in pain before dropping to a knee. I whisper,"This is only a taste of what you did to me." before I slug him in the jaw and knock him out.
I pick his body up by his ruined shirt and drag him to the cliff edge. Everyone is watching as I lift the son of Jupiter over the edge by his head and let loose a fierce roar before dropping him. Screams of dismay ring out as he falls and I motion to Orion. He nods before shooting a single arrow to catch Jason halfway down by the collar of his shirt and I grimly watch as the remaining demigods are rounded up and put in chains. I smoothly say,"Impressive isn't it? A true army full of devoted soldiers. What do you think Athena? What about you Annabeth?"
I hear a snarl and turn to find mother and daughter with weapons raised and Athena wielding Aegis. I simply smirk and go into a full transformation and my own aurora of terror drowns Aegis's out and makes them shrink back a little. My shirt is torn to reveal the black tattoos underneath and I ask,"Who first?"
Annabeth wastes no time in throwing a dagger at me that I catch it by the handle after using the water in the air to stop it. I tsk her and she growls in frustration before drawing her bone sword and rushes me. I let my claws shrink and let her rake her sword across my midsection. It noisily scrapes the skin but does no damage to me at all. I enjoy her shocked look before lifting my hand and make a fist. She screams in pain as I make her blood heat up and let it cool down before heating it up again. I manipulate her body so her arms are twisting the wrong way while Athena shouts,"Let my daughter go you monster!"
I frown at her and mutter,"Killjoy." before letting Annabeth drop onto the snowy ice.
Athena rushes to her daughter's side and I let the wisdom goddess look her over before speaking,"She's terrible with a sword you know? She really should've had the old me teach her before she decided to betray me."
Athena looks at me with eyes blazing in anger and I scold her,"Now don't you look at me like that! You could've helped her since this is my territory and the ancient laws don't apply. But nooooooo, you decided to sit back and watch!"
She screams in anger before running me through my stomach with her spear and I gasp in surprise before yanking the thing out of her hands and snap it before I pull it out. Water from under the ice floats up and heals me. I grin and before the goddess can move spikes of ice shoot out of the ground to impale her in her shoulder and left lung. Ichor drips onto the ground and she struggles to breathe as I softly say,"This is all your fault. You and the others never should've tried to hunt me. I would've been peaceful towards you if you'd left me alone, idiot."
I walk away from her and suddenly I jump as a bolt of lightning hits the place where I was standing. I turn to see Zeus and the other gods facing me alone, no demigods are left to fight me. I smirk,"So you've finally come out to play. Excellent."
I get no response but instead they all unleash their godly powers directly at me. I simply teleport behind them and knock Ares out by pressing on a spot on his neck. Faster than anyone can react I slam a fist into the ground and a pillar of ice shoots up, trapping Hermes and Apollo in the ice. I quickly dispatch Demeter and Aphrodite with ease and freeze Hera from the neck down. Only Hepheastus, Artemis, and the big three remain to fight and I quickly take Hepheastus down by slicing his skin to ribbons. I move for Zeus but he holds a squirming demigod in his hands. It takes a second for me to figure out its June, and rage fills my body. I hiss,"Put. Her. Down. Now!"
Zeus glares at me but has a triumphant smirk on his face as he says,"Give up Perseus or the girl will pay for your arrogance."
He squeezes June and she cries out in pain. Something inside me snaps and I feel something shifting under the skin near my shoulders as I growl,"I said. Let. Her. Go!"
Black wings made of the tattoos covering my back burst from my shoulders and my fangs lengthen to where they pass my lower lip to resemble those of a saber tooth tiger. My claws glow with red light as my eyes sharpen and my senses are enhanced to the max. My mark is glowing almost too brightly to look at and suddenly everything stops. I stalk forward cautiously and the eyes of the gods follow me but their bodies don't. I realize what I just did, I stopped time for them. I quickly pry Zeus' fingers off June and take her a safe distance away before snapping my fingers and time starts up again. Zeus closes his hand around empty air and I snarl,"Now let's dance drama queen."
I unleash a roar that makes them cover their ears in pain while the ice all around cracks before shattering. My muscles tense and I lunge forward as a blur, making the ice cave in where I once was, and punch Zeus in the face as hard as I can. He flies back a hundred yards and smashes into a glacier, unmoving as I speed towards him. I slam into him like a comet and he screams as we both break through the glacier and go out the other side. I slice his face with my claws as we fall and grab his bloodied face as I hiss,"This pain is nothing compared to what you put me through. Now you will pay!"
I kick him down while using my wings to shakily keep me up and he's out before he hits the ground. A arrow glances off my left side and I growl as I turn to face Artemis before smiling as I will a huge body of water to surround her and slowly close it in around her. I freeze it to make a statue that is quite snug around her and dodge a bolt of black energy before I thrust my hand out and, without thinking, blast Hades away with my own green energy. Poseidon is the only one left and I allow a scrap of mercy. I gesture all around me,"Take them and leave. My anger is quenched and I will allow you to leave this time, but the next time I won't be so generous."
He sadly looks at me,"What happened to my son? What happened to the Percy I cared about?"
I bitterly laugh,"He died a month ago from the pain of betrayal. I'm all that's left of him, and I'm called Thráfsma. Begone god of the sea, and never show yourself to me again."
He doesn't seem happy about it but he snaps his fingers and all of the demigods and gods sink beneath the water, and to their home. Hestia cautiously approaches me and I sigh as the transformation lets go and I go back to normal, minus the wings spread around me. I suddenly fall and I feel strong arms catch me, arms belonging to Bob and Orion. They help me to my feet and I gratefully say,"Thanks guys. That took a lot out of me, using The Outsider's powers and my own all at once."
The nod their heads and Orion says,"We won. We actually won when we were outmatched. We had minimum casualties of cyclopes and dracenae, but that's it."
I smile before plopping myself down and sigh in content. The gods were gone, we had won.
Thráfsma- Fragment

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